Bilingual Education Course Descriptions
Early Childhood Course Descriptions
Reading Course Descriptions
Special Education Course Descriptions

RDG 031D DEVELOPMENTAL READING. This course is an intense study of vocabulary, text organization, comprehension and other reading skills. Credit in this course will not be allowed to count toward graduation or computation of grade point averages or classification of students by hours completed.
RDG 235 AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE AND LITERACY. The focus of this course is an introduction to language acquisition and development including an awareness of social and cultural differences. There will be special emphasis on instructional applications for teaching. Credit 3.
RDG 285 LITERACY AS A FOUNDATION FOR LEARNING. This course will provide an opportunity for students to examine their personal literacy development and their philosophical assumptions underlying literacy instruction, in order to build a basis for the theories and practices provided in the advanced courses. Credit 3.
RDG 370 THE TEACHING OF READING. This course, based on the fundamental concepts and principles of reading instruction, focuses on the developmental stages of reading. Word attack, comprehension, study strategies and other aspects of a balanced literacy program are stressed. Students will examine materials and practice applicable techniques for teaching literacy. This course includes a field experience component. Must be taken concurrently with RDG 390. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Credit 3.
RDG 385 CAUSES AND REMEDIATION OF READING DISABILITIES. The focus of this course is an exploration of the physical, sociological and psychological causes of individual differences in literacy learning. Students will mentor an individual child planning assessment and instructional procedures for reading/writing improvement. Prerequisites: RDG 235, RDG 370, RDG 390. Credit 3.
RDG 390 READING AND THINKING THROUGH THE LANGUAGE PROCESSES. This course, based on the fundamental concepts and principles of literacy instruction, focuses on the developmental stages of writing and the interrelated language processes of listening, speaking and reading and writing. The preservice teacher will explore theories and instructional practices in the elementary school language arts program. This course includes a field experience component and must be taken concurrently with RDG 370. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Credit 3.
RDG 393 EMERGENT LITERACY The focus of this course is on emergent and beginning literacy learners. Language and cognitive development, listening, speaking, reading, and writing theories and instructional practices are stressed. Credit 3.
RDG 431 LITERACY ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTION. This course focuses on literacy assessment in elementary classroom settings. Students will learn to administer and interpret varied assessment tools as well as select and implement appropriate instructional techniques to plan and conduct effective classroom literacy instruction. This course includes a field experience component. Prerequisites: RDG 370, RDG 390. Credit 3.
RDG 471 READING IN THE MIDDLE GRADES. This course focuses on the uniqueness of middle grade students, middle school structures and explores literacy theories and activities that meet these needs and structures. Prerequisites: RDG 370, RDG 390 or instructor’s permission for students seeking secondary certification. Credit 3.
RDG 475 INDIVIDUAL PROBLEMS IN READING. This course is designed for persons interested in extending conceptual knowledge in literacy issues. This course would address specific topics for independent study related to emergent literacy, methodologies, curriculum, assessment, and language processes. Credit 3.

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