96-98 Undergraduate Catalogue

General Information Part II

International Undergraduate Students

  • Policy Governing Admission
    Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP)
    Academic Procedures
  • Transcripts
    Scholastic Requirements

    Policy Governing Admission of Undergraduate International Students (Revised, effective Fall Semester, 1994).

    1. International student applications must be completed and accepted no less than 60 days before the beginning of the initial semester of enrollment.

    2. Only international students with the Associate of Arts Degree, or its equivalent, will be accepted for transfer to Sam Houston State University from another U.S. college. All previous course work must be completed at one school. Transcripts of international undergraduate transfer students must reflect an overall grade point average of not less than 2.0 and a TOEFL score of not less than 550. Multiple transfers will not be considered.

    3. Students entering the United States and applying for undergraduate admission to Sam Houston State University must submit a TOEFL score of 550 or higher and demonstrate a speaking knowledge of English. Although a TOEFL score of 550 or higher normally will make international students eligible to be considered for admission, it is permissible for an individual college within the University to establish a higher TOEFL score for admission to a particular program.

    Requirement for Registration by International Students.

    1. Each student must provide evidence of their ability for financial support while studying in this country.

    2. All international students are required to purchase the group Hospitalization, Medical Evacuation, and Repatriation Insurance available to all eligible SHSU students. Proof of this insurance must be presented to designated university officials each semester before the registration process can be completed. Further information concerning this required coverage may be obtained from the University Health Center.

    3. To ensure that all undergraduate admission and immigration papers are in order, international students are required to visit the Undergraduate Admissions Office immediately upon arrival on campus.

    4. Certified English translations are required for documents submitted in a language other than English.


    The Office of Student Life coordinates the orientation sessions for new students. Summer Orientation Programs offer freshmen and transfer students the opportunity to learn about SHSU and the range of support services which are available across campus. During these sessions, students meet with an academic advisor and register for fall classes, they can secure on-campus housing for the fall, and can pay all of their fees for the semester. A mini-orientation program is offered for new students at the start of the fall semester, and again at the start of the spring semester. Please call (936) 294-1785 for more information about any of these programs.


    Information concerning registration may be obtained from the Academic Calendar provided in this publication or from the Registrar's Office. Detailed registration procedures are included in the Schedule of Classes which is published twice each year -- Summer School/Fall Semester, Spring Semester. Copies of the Schedule of Classes may be obtained from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or requested from Computer Services.


    In order to provide assistance in educational planning to various high schools and community colleges, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions furnishes information on the programs and facilities offered at Sam Houston State University. Additionally, programs are planned by this office to enhance the individual student's academic and social growth upon enrollment as a beginning student. In marketing the University, this office assembles descriptive departmental brochures for individuals and groups.

    Prospective college students or interested groups are encouraged to contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to obtain additional information. Telephone: (936) 294-1828.


    In 1987, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 2182 requiring students entering any Texas public community college or university in Fall 1989 or later to take the TASP Test. The TASP is designed to ensure that all students attending public colleges and/or universities in Texas have the reading, mathematics, and writing skills necessary to perform effectively in college-level course work. Students are encouraged to take the TASP Test prior to enrollment at Sam Houston State University. The TASP Test must be taken by the time a student has completed nine (9) semester credit hours of college work. The Texas Education Code (TEC 51.306[e]) stipulates that a student whose performance is below standard for a tested area (on the TASP Test) must participate continuously in a remediation program until that section of the test is passed. Failure to regularly attend required remedial/developmental courses can result in the student being resigned from the University.

    Update on Changes to the Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP)

    As a result of legislation and subsequent Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board action, the following changes have occurred in the TASP. (July, 1995)

    Deaf and Blind Students

    Blind and deaf students who completed three semester credit hours prior to Fall 1995 are exempt from the provisions of the Texas Academic Skills Program. Beginning Fall 1995, blind students will be required to take the TASP Test with proper accommodations such as large print, Braille audio cassettes, or readers. Deaf students will be required to take the Stanford Achievement Test as nationally normed on the hearing-impaired population by Gallaudet University.

    TASP Test Exemptions

    Beginning in fall, 1993, Senate Bill 1324 permits exemptions from the TASP Test if students perform at or above a level set by the Coordinating Board on the American College Test (ACT), Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), or Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS). At its July, 1995 meeting, the Coordinating Board selected the following standards for exemptions under this law:

    ACT -- Composite score of 26 or higher with individual math and English scores of no less than 22. SAT -- Composite score of 1180 or higher with a minimum of 550 on both the verbal and the mathematics tests (recentered scale for tests taken April 1995 and thereafter); or

    TAAS -- Scale scores of 1780 on the reading, mathematics and writing tests, or, for tests taken spring 1995 and thereafter a Texas Learning Index (TLI) of 86 on the mathematics tests and 89 on the reading test.

    Individual institutions will determine exemptions due to ACT, SAT or TAAS using the score requirements specified above. Students who meet any of the above score requirements may be exempted from TASP requirements even if they were already in remediation due to TASP. Once a student meets one of the exemption requirements, he/she will continue to be exempt. None of the above precludes an institution using local placement tests to place students into remediation until institutional requirements are met.



    Each student is responsible for ensuring that the courses selected will meet his/her degree requirements. A student should contact his/her academic advisor or refer to the current undergraduate or graduate catalogue in order to confirm which courses will meet his/her individual degree requirements.

    A student with a declared major, who wishes to be advised, should report to his/her major department. A student pursuing a General Studies Program (Non-Major) may be assigned an academic advisor by reporting to the Office of the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences. Preprofessional students are advised to report to the Office of Preprofessional Studies prior to registration each semester for assignment to the appropriate preprofessional advisor, for advisement, and for clarification of any preprofessional curriculum changes made by professional schools.


    Academic grievances include disputes over: academic standards; course grades; unauthorized class absences or tardiness; suspension from the university for academic deficiency; alleged unprofessional conduct by a course instructor. A copy of Academic Policy Statement 900823, Academic Grievance Procedures for Students, can be obtained from the office of the student's academic dean, department chair, or the Newton Gresham Library.


    Prior to the semester or summer school in which the degree is to be conferred, a formal application and payment of the diploma fee of $18 must be made in the Registrar's Office. The Academic Calendar which is located in the current catalogue and in the Schedule of Classes indicates the deadline for making application for a degree. A student who is completing the last semester of course work at an institution other than the University must provide the Registrar with an official transcript of this course work no later than one day prior to the graduation date.


    Should a degree candidate be unable to attend commencement, a written request for the award of the degree in absentia should be directed to the Office of the President of the University. The degree candidate should indicate the address to which the diploma is to be mailed and should include a $3 fee for postage and packaging the diploma. Checks should be made payable to Sam Houston State University.


    1. Students may make schedule changes by accessing SamInfo https://www.shsu.edu/saminfo.

    2. No schedule changes may be made after the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar. A course dropped after the stated deadline is entered on the student's permanent record with a grade of F.


    1. Regular and punctual class attendance is expected of each student at Sam Houston State University.

    2. Each faculty member will keep a record of student attendance.

    3. Each faculty member will announce to his/her classes the policies for accepting late work or providing make-up examinations. Students are expected to show appropriate cause for missing or delaying major assignments or examinations.

    4. A student shall not be penalized for three or fewer hours of absences when examinations or other assigned classwork have not been missed; however, at the discretion of the instructor, a student may be penalized for more than three hours of absences.

    5. Each instructor is obligated to clarify in writing to each student enrolled in class at the beginning of the semester or summer session his/her classroom policy regarding absences.

    6. Class absences will be recorded and counted only from the actual day of enrollment for the individual student in that specific class.


    It is necessary to have on file with the University a correct residency address. A student who changes an address after completing registration should immediately report this address to the Registrar's Office. The University assumes no obligation for failure of a student to receive communications. A student may change his/her address on the SamInfo Computer Access Line or provide the Registrar's Office with a written request for an address change.


    A student frequently needs an appraisal of his/her academic progress from an instructor prior to a drop deadline in order to provide a basis for determining whether or not to drop a course. The expectation of a student to be able to gain some indication of academic progress prior to the published drop date is not unreasonable. The manner in which a valid appraisal of course progress is to be provided to a student is left to the discretion of the individual instructor.


    Those outstanding students who attain a grade point average of 3.5 or better, with no grade of F, for all courses attempted while earning not less than twelve semester hours during the semester are included on the Dean's List of Academic Honors. The Dean's List is released at the close of each semester. In order to provide the appropriate recognition which these students have earned, the Dean's List is distributed throughout the University community as well as by the News Bureau to the various other media.


    An enriched program is offered to superior students at Sam Houston State University, culminating in the student's receiving a diploma designating that the degree is being conferred "With Academic Distinction" in a field of specialization. The program consists of six hours of individual work on a project under the guidance of a designated faculty member. To qualify for department Academic Distinction, the student must enroll for six (6) semester hours of credit in a department Academic Distinction program, and the student must have the following qualifications: (a) be of junior standing (64 semester hours or more), (b) have an overall grade point average of 3.5, (c) have a grade point average of 3.5 in any courses taken in the major field, and (d) have the written permission of the department chair. To complete the six-hour program and to graduate with Academic Distinction in a specified academic discipline, the student must maintain a grade point average of 3.5 in the major field and must complete other academic requirements which the individual department considers necessary. The six semester credit hours of department Academic Distinction program course work must be taken in addition to the standard requirements within the major field and may not be taken in lieu of any requirements in the major field.


    Final examinations are not given before the designated time in the official examination schedule. A student is not permitted to take a final examination before all other work for the course is completed. A student who is compelled to be absent from a final examination may petition the academic dean involved to permit a mark of X in the course. This permission is granted only by the academic dean with the recommendation of the instructor concerned.


    Special recognition at graduation is provided to undergraduate students who compile outstanding academic records. Those graduates who have achieved undergraduate academic excellence at the University receive a gold cord at graduation to reflect this achievement. The gold cord indicates one of the following academic achievements: Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude, With Academic Distinction, Special Scholastic Recognition for Transfer Students, Alpha Chi.

    Degrees conferred Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude reflect an outstanding overall grade point average with a minimum of sixty semester hours earned in residence at Sam Houston State University. The distinction and corresponding grade point averages are: Cum Laude--3.50 to 3.66; Magna Cum Laude--3.67 to 3.85; Summa Cum Laude--3.86 to 4.00.

    The Department Academic Distinction Program is an individualized learning experience available to outstanding students at Sam Houston State University. An Academic Distinction Program project provides qualified students with a comprehensive introduction to meaningful research under the guidance of a designated faculty advisor.

    Transfer students from accredited institutions who complete their final requirements for a baccalaureate degree at Sam Houston State University will receive Special Scholastic Recognition and a gold cord at commencement plus an appropriate notation on their academic transcript when they have achieved not less than a 3.5 overall grade point average computed on all accepted transfer resident classroom instruction, have attained a minimum overall grade point average of 3.5 computed on all resident classroom instruction taken at Sam Houston State University, have completed not less than thirty semester credit hours in residence at Sam Houston State University with not less than twenty-four of these hours being advanced, have completed less than sixty semester hours in residence at Sam Houston State University at the time of graduation, and have completed all other requirements for graduation at Sam Houston State University.

    Alpha Chi, a national honor society organized to recognize and promote scholastic excellence, is open to all University seniors who have accepted membership and have achieved a 3.6 or higher grade point average on all college-level course work.

    Participation in the Honors Program at Sam Houston State University is based on a competitive selection process, provides outstanding academic opportunities, and includes distinct undergraduate college experiences. Upon successful completion of the Honors Program--twenty-four semester hours of Honors courses and two special seminars--the student's academic transcript will indicate graduation "With Honors" and the student may wear an Honors medallion with academic regalia. To be designated as having graduated "With Highest Honors" the student must also successfully complete a special senior project involving original research and/or an effort of creative expression.


    Appropriate documentation which substantiates a legal name change for a student must be submitted to the Registrar prior to the student's next registration. Registration under a name different from that used in the student's last enrollment cannot be accomplished without the above certification, which becomes a part of the student's permanent file. All degrees, grade reports and transcripts are issued under the student's legal name as recorded in the Registrar's Office.


    Those students who achieve a grade point average of 4.0 in all course work attempted while earning no less than twelve semester credit hours during the fall semester or spring semester attain the distinction of being included on the President's Honor Roll. Beginning with the Fall Semester of 1984, the names of those students achieving the highest attainable grades denoting academic excellence comprise the President's Honor Roll and are released at the conclusion of each semester. In order to provide the appropriate recognition which these qualifying students have earned, the President's Honor Roll is distributed throughout the University community as well as by the News Bureau to the various other media.


    To resign (officially withdraw) from the University, a student must report to the Registrar's Office (113 Bobby K. Marks Administration Building) and process a Resignation Request. The Resignation Request must be in writing and becomes effective on the date received by the Registrar's Office. The effective date of the Resignation Request, as received by the Registrar's Office, is the date which is used for determining any refund. The student is responsible for clearing all debts owed to the university. Students who fail to officially resign from the University will receive the grade of F for each course in which they are enrolled.

    Students who resign after the first nine weeks of a regular semester or after the first two weeks of a summer session receive a mark of WP (withdrew passing) or WF (withdrew failing) for each course for which they are enrolled. Students who resign from the University while enrolled in a course whose duration is less than a normal term will receive a mark of WP or WF if they resign after one-half of that course time has been completed. The mark of WP or WF is the responsibility of the student's instructors.


    Any student holding a baccalaureate degree from Sam Houston State University or any other regionally accredited institution may earn a second baccalaureate degree differing in basic academic subject area and concentration from the first degree by completing the following requirements:

    1. A minimum of 30 semester credit hours in residence, 24 of which must be advanced.

    2. Any additional requirements of the department and college approving the respective degree plan.

    3. All other University requirements for the degree sought.


    A currently enrolled student or a former student of the University may obtain a transcript of his/her completed work from the Office of the Registrar. All requests for transcripts must be in writing and must be accompanied by the individual's signature. A fee which, according to state law must be paid in advance, will be charged for each copy. The fee for each transcript is $4. Transcripts will not be released for students who have a financial indebtedness to the University. Checks should be made payable to Sam Houston State University. Mail to: Registrar's Office, PO Box 2029, Huntsville, TX 77341-2029



    The grade system in use employs five grades. The mark X represents an incomplete course; the mark IP is given in thesis and other courses which cannot be completed within one semester; credit awarded by examination and hours earned with the mark CR are counted in determining classification, but are not included in determining grade point average. The Q mark is given for courses dropped from the thirteenth class day and until the last day for dropping courses without penalty as stated in the Academic Calendar. The mark NC may be given only for failure to complete satisfactorily the requirements for selected courses in the College of Education and Applied Science, including student teaching. Courses with the mark NC and the marks Q and X are not included in determining grade point average.

    The marks of S, N, F (Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Failure) which are utilized in developmental courses (MTH, ENG, RDG 031D/032D) are not counted as hours attempted in figuring the cumulative grade point average.

    1. A student's classification and rank in class are determined by grade points as follows:

    Grade Description Grade Points Per Semester Hour
    A Excellent 4
    B Well above average 3
    C Average 2
    D Barely passing 1
    F Failure 0

    2. Grade points are computed for a given semester on the basis of semester hours attempted. A course attempted is defined as one in which the student is enrolled after the date for dropping without prejudice, as specified in the current Academic Calendar. This date is the midpoint of the semester.

    3. To calculate a grade point average, divide the total number of semester hours attempted into the total number of grade points. The grade point average is carried out two decimals (2.00) and is not rounded off.

    4. A student may repeat at Sam Houston one time any course in which a grade of F was earned without counting additional hours attempted. Any subsequent repetition of such course will be counted as additional hours attempted. Courses repeated in which the student has earned the grade of D or better are not counted as additional hours attempted and the student may not receive additional credit but will be given grade points earned above the original grade received. Deficient grade points must be made up in residence at Sam Houston State University.

    5. The mark X indicates that the student has not been able to complete the course because of emergency circumstances beyond his/her control. These circumstances usually prevail over other drop dates and opportunities to withdraw from the course. When the student is given the X mark, it is assumed that he/she will be able to finish the course without further instruction or tutoring from the faculty member in charge of the course. It is to the advantage of the student to complete a course at the earliest opportunity in which the mark of X has been given. Permission to award the mark of X is granted only by the college dean involved with the recommendation of the instructor. If the student meets the prescribed requirements of the course before the end of the next academic semester (Summer school, two sessions, is considered a unit equivalent to a long semester.) after the X is given, the student will receive the grade earned; otherwise, the mark X will be automatically changed to the grade of F.

    6. A student receiving a grade believed to be in error after the grade is reported should request a review of this grade upon receipt. The review of the grade should be made with the instructor involved.


    In order to achieve and remain in academic good standing at Sam Houston State University, an undergraduate student must maintain an overall grade point average of at least 2.0 (C). A 2.0 overall grade point average is the absolute minimum required for graduation. An undergraduate student who falls below a 2.0 overall grade point average at the close of any semester or summer school during which one or more semester hours are attempted will be placed on probation. Summer school (two sessions) is considered to be a unit equivalent to a semester. If an enrolled student on probation fails to achieve a minimum of a 2.0 overall grade point average at the close of the next semester or summer school attended following the starting of the probation, the student will be suspended.

    Undergraduate transfer students who are admitted with less than a 2.0 overall grade point average will be admitted on probation. An undergraduate transfer student must achieve a minimum overall grade point average (including all transfer work) of 2.0 at the close of the semester or summer school for which the student is admitted or the student will be suspended.

    The cumulative grade point average is based only on course work at Sam Houston State University for which the student earns the grade of A, B, C, D, or F. The marks of Q, WP, WF, NC, and X are not counted as hours attempted in figuring the cumulative grade point average. The marks of S, N, F (Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Failure) which are utilized in developmental courses (MTH, ENG, RDG 031D/032D) are not counted as hours attempted in calculating the cumulative grade point average.

    Deficient grade points on transferred work must be made up sufficiently in order to earn a degree at Sam Houston State University. Grades earned at other institutions may not be used to remove grade deficiencies earned at Sam Houston State University.

    Any student who has accumulated a total of 30 or more deficient grade points at the end of any long semester or summer school will be automatically suspended. Deficient grade points which may have been transferred in from other institutions are added to those received at Sam Houston State University in order to determine total grade point deficiency.

    Academic actions are based on the total Sam Houston State University record and are implemented at the close of the fall semester, the spring semester, and the summer school.

    Academic good standing is defined as follows: If a student is allowed to enroll, a letter of good standing will be issued.

    The appropriate academic dean may place on probation or retain on probation or suspend any student deficient in grade points without regard to the regulations previously stated.

    Summer Transient Students are not subject to academic action while in that status.

    Only hours earned at Sam Houston State University and hours accepted in transfer from other institutions will count toward the student's classification.

    The official classification is determined by the Registrar.

    Credit awarded by examination and hours earned with the grade of CR are counted in determining classification, but are not included in determining grade point average.


    The student will be removed from academic probation at the close of the semester in which the cumulative grade point average reaches a 2.0.


    The period of academic suspension and the subsequent readmission of a student on academic probation are based on the entire Sam Houston State University academic record.

    1. The first suspension is for a period of at least one semester.

    2. If suspended a second time, the student may not enroll for a period of at least twelve months.

    3. If suspended a third time, further enrollment should not be contemplated at Sam Houston State University.

    4. Readmission from suspension may be approved by the appropriate academic dean. The petition for readmission must be made in writing and supported by a transcript of all college work completed at Sam Houston State University. If the student's petition for readmission is approved, he/she must reapply for admission through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

    5. A suspended student requesting to change his/her major to another college of the University must obtain approval for readmission from the appropriate academic dean through which the desired major is offered.

    6. Students who are subject to suspension under the stated terms of the Academic Probation and Suspension Policies and who register for enrollment at the University do so at their own risk and monies paid for fees and tuition are subject to the refund regulations as stated in the Sam Houston State University catalogue.


    Advanced Credit

    Courses numbered 300 and above are advanced courses. These are normally taken during the junior and senior years. See "Advanced Hours", page 37.

    Audit, Course

    An individual must receive prior approval from the appropriate department chair and the instructor involved in order to audit a course. The audit fee for each course is $50; senior citizens who are 65 years of age or older are exempted from paying the audit fees. An individual auditing a course:

    a. is encouraged to attend all lectures and obtain the maximum educational benefit from the information presented;

    b. is not permitted to take tests or examinations in the course being audited;

    c. who is not enrolled as a regular student at Sam Houston State University is authorized to receive a courtesy library card permitting use of the Newton Gresham Library for the duration of the course audit;

    d. is not authorized to be issued a Sam Houston State University Student Identification Card unless also enrolled as a regular student at Sam Houston State University.

    e. is not authorized to use Sam Houston State University medical, athletic, or recreational facilities unless also enrolled as a regular student at Sam Houston State University.

    f. will not have a record of course audit in the Registrar's Office.

    Neither the instructor nor the University assumes responsibility for the academic progress of any person auditing a course.

    Classification of Students by Hours Completed

    Freshman: 1-31; Sophomore: 32-63; Junior: 64-93; Senior: 94 up.

    Course Numbers

    Course numbers consist of three digits. The first digit (reading from left to right) indicates the year level of the course; as, for example, 100's freshman; 200's sophomore; 300's junior; 400's senior; 500's master's; 600's advanced and post-master's and doctoral; 700's doctoral. In some degree programs, freshmen may be advised to take 200 level courses.

    The middle digit indicates the credit value of the course, except in the case of three-hour courses, where the middle digit may be three or any number from six to nine inclusive; as, for example, 111, one-hour course; 121, two-hour course; 131, 161, 171, 181, 191, three-hour courses; 141, four-hour course; 151, five-hour course.

    The last digit serves to distinguish one course from another within a department.


    A degree is an academic title awarded to a student who has successfully completed a degree program. Sam Houston State University is authorized to award six baccalaureate degrees -- BA, BAAS, BBA, BFA, BM, and BS; seven master's degree -- MS, MBA, MFA, MA, MM, MED, MLS; and one doctoral degree -- PhD.

    All baccalaureate degrees awarded by Sam Houston State University include a baccalaureate core of 52-54 semester credit hours (SCH); from 30-80 SCH in a major area of study; where applicable, not less than 18 SCH in a minor area of study, and other courses as required or elected for a total minimum number of 128 SCH.

    All master's degrees awarded by Sam Houston State University include a minimum of 30 semester credit hours of graduate credit, of which a minimum of 24 must be in courses numbered 500 or above.

    Degree Plan, Undergraduate

    A complete plan of studies must be established by the student, the major department, the minor department, and the office of the academic dean of the major. This formal written plan should be completed as soon as the student becomes well established within the major, but not later than the beginning of the junior year. It is the responsibility of the student to originate the degree plan within the major department. After this initial conference, the plan is presented by the student to the minor department for written approval, after which a second conference is scheduled with the major department during which the plan is finalized and presented to the major academic dean for approval. A copy of the degree plan should be on file in each of the following locations: the major department, the minor department, the Registrar's Office, and the office of the major academic dean. Those students pursuing teacher certification should also have a copy on file in the office of the Dean, College of Education and Applied Science.

    Degree Program

    Texas Education Code, Section 61.003, defines a degree program as "any grouping of subject matter courses which, when satisfactorily completed by a student, will entitle him/her to a degree from a public senior college or university or medical or dental unit.

    The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board considers any alternate grouping of related subject matter courses within a major area of study to be a separate degree program if (1) upon satisfactory completion, a student is entitled to a degree from the institution, (2) the course grouping includes the equivalent or substantively the same requirements as those required by the institution for a degree in a similar discipline, and (3) the course grouping includes requirements equivalent to or substantively the same as those required for comparable degree programs in the same discipline at similar institutions.

    All degree programs require approval of the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

    Degree Title

    A degree title is the name of the degree and the major area of study under which one or more programs may be offered.


    An elective is any course not specifically required for completion of a degree. Electives allow the student flexibility, within the total semester credit hours required for the degree, to pursue special interests outside the specific requirements for the major and minor areas of study.


    A major is a grouping of related subject matter courses which characterizes and distinguishes a principal field of study. It may include a course grouping from only one academic discipline or from two or more related disciplines, i.e., interdisciplinary major.

    A baccalaureate major must contain an approved course grouping of not less than thirty semester credit hours, of which a minimum of twelve must be advanced and taken in residence.

    A master's major must contain an approved course grouping of not less than twelve semester credit hours.


    A minor is a grouping of related subject matter courses which characterizes and distinguishes a second field of study. It may include a course grouping from only one academic discipline or from two or more related disciplines, i.e., interdisciplinary minor.

    A baccalaureate minor must contain an approved course grouping of not less than eighteen semester credit hours, of which a minimum of six must be advanced and taken in residence.

    A master's minor must contain an approved course grouping of not less than six semester credit hours in a field that logically supports the major.

    Normal Load

    The normal undergraduate course load during a regular semester is fifteen semester credit hours exclusive of the following:

    1. Required activity kinesiology or accepted substitutes

    2. Military Science lower division courses

    3. Musical ensembles, not to exceed three during any one semester

    Combinations of one-hour and/or two-hour courses, exclusive of the exceptions listed above, are used to establish three-hour or four-hour equivalents for the purpose of establishing the student's normal load.

    The normal undergraduate load for the summer school is two courses per session.

    The maximum load for graduate students is five courses during a long semester and two courses each session of the summer school.


    The number of courses in any semester or summer session will include those from all sources. Any combination of correspondence courses, extension courses, and residence courses must be totaled into a student's maximum load.

    An overload is a course taken in excess of a normal load as defined above. It is recommended that before an undergraduate student enrolls in courses in excess of the defined normal load, the student should have attained a grade point average of B (3.0) over his/her total university work. Exceptions to the normal load should be approved by the student's academic dean.

    Off-Campus Courses

    Courses taught at locations away from the main campus carry residence credit but are denoted on the transcript with "OC" after the course title. Students may register for off-campus courses on the Sam Houston State University campus during the regular schedule of registration periods. If it is not convenient for students to register on the campus at these times, they may register during the first organizational meeting of the class at the place and time it is held. Off-campus tuition, fees, and procedures for resignations, "Adds" or "Drops", are the same as for students attending classes on campus. See the current Schedule of Classes for a complete listing of courses and their locations.

    Part-Time Student

    Any undergraduate student who carries fewer than twelve semester hours during an academic semester is classified as a part-time student. Such a student is not considered to be making normal progress toward the degree.

    Residence Classification

    The responsibility for registering under the proper residence classification is that of the student. For additional information, see page 61.

    Residence Credit

    Residence credit is predicated upon the utilization of residence facilities on the campus of Sam Houston State University. Accrediting agencies expect the University to indicate that students and faculty loads are so constructed that facilities and laboratories can be effectively utilized.

    Residence credit may be awarded for work off-campus at the discretion of Sam Houston State University under especially approved conditions. At least one-third of the semester hours required for the degree program for any student enrolling in any of the proposed courses will be completed in course work on the campus, except in cases where the Coordinating Board approves the offering of an external degree.

    Semester Hour

    The unit of credit is the semester hour, defined as one class meeting a week (or its equivalent) for one semester of fifteen weeks. Most courses meet three hours per week and have a credit value of three semester hours. For each hour in class, at least two hours of preparation are expected on the part of the student. Many students will find it necessary to spend more than this amount of time in study.

    Support Area

    A support area is a grouping of courses for which there is no degree authority. It includes a limited number of related subject-matter courses offered to provide flexibility for the student to pursue special interests within the major, the minor, or the elective areas of an authorized degree.

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