All students seeking teacher certification must successfully complete the
TASP Test and meet other requirements established by the State Board of
Education, the Texas Education Agency and the SHSU Teacher Education Council.
Information regarding admission, retention, and exit requirements can be found
in the Certification section of this catalogue.
Academic Foundations | Credit | Credit | |
ENG 164, 165 | 6 | RDG 370; 390; 431 | 9 |
ENG 265, 275, 285, or 295 | 6 | LS 361 or 362 | 3 |
BIO, 4; PHY, 4; GEL or GEO 141, 4 | 12 | HED 282 or KIN 263 or HE 167 | 3 |
BIO or PHY or CHM | 4 | GEO 161 | 3 |
MTH 184; 185 | 6 | Specialization plus Extension, min. | 27 |
HIS 163, 164 | 6 | 45 | |
POL 261; 285 or 3 hrs. adv. | 6 | ||
PSY 131 | 3 | ||
MUS 161 or ART 135 | 3 | Elementary Education | Credit |
SCM 384 or 161 (transfer only) | 3 | EED 434, 435, 436 | 9 |
CS 138 | 3 | EED 483, 491, 492 | 9 |
SPD 231 | 3 | 18 | |
EED 374 | 3 | ||
KIN 215; KIN activity | 2 | ||
66 | Total Semester Hours (minimum) | 128 |
Art (24 hours):
ART 160, 161, 163, 265, 271 or 371, 365 or 466, 366 or 462; 3 or 6 hours advanced ART electives
Note: At least 12 hours advanced ART is required: if ART 271 is elected, 6 hours advanced ART is needed.
(6 hours Extension courses required)
Biology (24 hours):
BIO 135, 115; 136, 116; 341, 392; 463 or 465; 6 hours restricted electives in BIO (See Biology section of catalogue.)
(10 hours Extension required)
Earth Science (25 hours):
GEL 133, 113; 134, 114; 330; GEO 141; PHY 397, 317; 6 hours. advanced GEL
Note: Delete BIO, PHY,or CHM requirement in Interdisciplinary Major.
(9 hours Extension courses required)
English (27 hours):
ENG 164, 165; 6 hours selected from ENG 265, 275, 285, or 295; ENG 373; 12 hours advanced ENG including 3 hours at 400 level.
(11 hours Extension required)
Geography (25 hours):
GEO 161, 141, 265, 266, 330, 369, 471; 3 hours approved GEO
Note: Substitute GEL 134, 114 for BIO, PHY, or CHM requirement in Interdisciplinary Major.
(8 hours Extension required)
Health (24 hours):
HED 166, 280, 282, 390, 391; 9 hours elective HED including at least 6 advanced hours.
(9 hours Extension required)
History (24 hours):
HIS 163, 164; 265 or 266; 463; 3 hours selected from HIS 376, 377, 378, or 379; 9 hours HIS electives with at least 6 advanced hours.
Note: If HIS 463 is transferred from a junior college, 9 hours advanced HIS electives will be needed.
(8 hours Extension required)
Kinesiology (28 hours):
KIN 131, 230, 263, 331, 362, 373, 469; 3 hours from KIN 334, 335, or 336
KIN 111, 118, 215; 1 hour from KIN 110, 113, 115, 210, 213, 218
Note: BIO 245, which is a prerequisite for KIN 362, should be elected for the BIO, PHY, or CHM requirement on the Interdisciplinary Major.
(9 hours Extension required)
Life/Earth Science (33 hours):
BIO 135, 115; 136, 116; GEL 133, 113; GEO 141; BIO 341; GEL 330; PHY 397, 317; 6 hours BIO or GEL selected from BIO 463 or 465, BIO 345, GEL 360, 431, 432, or 437.
(5 hours Extension required)
Math (24 hours):
MTH 184, 185, 284, 285, 383, 384, 385, 386
Note: Substitute MTH 385 for CS 133.
(11 hours Extension required)
Music (27 hours):
MUS 122, 123, 124, 125, 138, 367, 368, 493
4 semesters of Applied Music; Ensemble Participation for 5 semesters; Piano Proficiency
Note: Delete MUS 161 or ART requirement in Academic Foundations.
(3 hours Extension required)
Physical Science (28 hours):
PHY 138, 118; 139, 119; CHM 138/118, 139/119; PHY 397, 317; 8 hours advanced PHY, CHM, or GEL
Note: GEL 133, 113 is a prerequisite for advanced GEL courses.
(6 hours Extension required)
Spanish (26 hours)
SPN 141, 142, 263; 264, 268 or 269; 12 hours from 361, 367, 369, 374, 375, 385, 461, 464 or 470
(6 hours Extension required)
Speech Communication (24 hours)
SCM 131, 162, 233, 286, 384; 9 hours advanced SCM
(6 hours Extension required)
Theater Arts (24 hours):
THR 160, 161, 164, 166, 230, 466, 487; 3 hrs. advanced THR; 3 hrs. of THR 314
(3 hours Extension required)
Extension hours may be selected in any combination of courses from:
BSL 233, 236, 430, 437, 477, 478 (Note: BSL 437 is required for nonproficient Spanish speakers with limited international experiences.)
ECE 273; 275; 329, 319; 433; 439; HE 369
RDG 235; 285; 385; 393; 471
SPD 331; 367; 317; 377; 378; 438; 460; 490
Early Childhood Education--Dr. Laverne Warner
Special Education--Dr. Elizabeth Delaney, Dr. Sharon Lynch, or Dr. Phil Swicegood
Academic Foundations | Credit | Interdisciplinary Major | Credit |
(Same as above.) | 66 | LS 361 | 3 |
RDG 370, 390 | 6 | ||
KIN 263 or HED 282 or HE 167 | 3 | ||
GEO 161 | 3 | ||
HE 369 | 3 | ||
PSY 361 | 3 | ||
ECE 273, 275, 329, 319; 433, 439 | 15 | ||
Specialization Area (as described above) | 15-24 | ||
51-60 | |||
Elementary Education | Credit | ||
EED 434, 435, 436 | 9 | ||
EED 483, 491, ECE 486 | 9 | ||
18 | |||
TOTAL (Minimum) | 135 |
Academic Foundations | Credit | Interdisciplinary Major | Credit |
(Same as above.) | 66 | LS 361 or 362 | 3 |
RDG 370, 431 | 6 | ||
HED 282 or KIN 263 or HE 167 | 3 | ||
GEO 161 | 3 | ||
SPD 331; 367, 317; 377, 378, 438, 460, 490 | 22 | ||
Specialization Area (as described above) | 15-24 | ||
52-61 | |||
Elementary Education | Credit | ||
EED 434, 435, 436 | 9 | ||
EED 483, 491, SPD 484 | 9 | ||
18 | |||
TOTAL (Minimum) | 136 |
Academic Foundations | Credit | Interdisciplinary Major | Credit |
ENG 164, 165 | 6 | RDG 370, 390 | 6 |
ENG 265, 275, 285, 295 | 6 | LS 361 or 362 | 3 |
BIO, 4; PHY, 4: GEL or GEO 141,4 | 12 | HED 282 or KIN 263 or HE167 | 3 |
MTH 184; 185 or 162 or higher level | 6 | SPN 263; 264 or 265; 361, 367, 368; 470 or 385 | 18 |
HIS 163, 164 | 6 | ||
POL 261; 285 or 3 hrs. adv. | 6 | BSL 233, 236, 430, 477, 478 | 15 |
PSY 131 | 3 | GEO 161 | 3 |
MUS 161 or ART 135 | 3 | 48 | |
SCM 384 or 161 (transfer only) | 3 | Elementary Education | Credit |
CS 137 | 3 | EED 434, 435, 436 | 9 |
SPD 231 | 3 | EED 483, 491, BSL 488 | 9 |
EED 374 | 3 | 18 | |
KIN 215; KIN activity | 2 | ||
62 | TOTAL 128 |
EED 374 HUMAN GROWTH AND LEARNING. This course examines growth and
learning in elementary and secondary environs. Major theories of
teaching-learning process are studied. Human development related to education
is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the cultural milieu. Prerequisite:
Junior standing. Credit 3.
making mathematics meaningful to children. Students are expected to pass a
series of mathematics tests, to make a lesson plan of acceptable quality, to
produce a practical teaching aid, and to be able to integrate mathematics with
other areas of learning. Students observe and teach math lessons in an
elementary classroom for a minimum of six hours. Prerequisites: MTH 184 and
with grade of C or better in each course; Admission to Teacher Education
Program and Departmental Approval. Credit 3.
EED 435 SCIENCE IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. This course is concerned with
the scope and sequence of the science curriculum for elementary school
children. Students are given experience in lesson planning, in organizing units
of instruction, in the use of instructional materials, and in laboratory
methods appropriate to elementary school classrooms. Students observe and teach
science lessons in an elementary classroom for a minimum of six hours.
Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program and Departmental
Approval. Credit 3.
experience is provided in the selection and evaluation of teaching methods,
unit and lesson planning, use of curriculum and audio-visual materials, and the
preparation of instructional materials appropriate for social science content
and skills at different elementary grade levels. Emphasis is placed on the unit
approach to teaching social studies. Students observe and teach social studies
lessons in an elementary classroom for a minimum of six hours. Prerequisites:
Admission to Teacher Education Program and Departmental Approval. Credit 3.
EED 475 PROBLEMS. Designed to permit individual students to study
specific areas of interest and need. Prerequisite: Approval of Coordinator of
Elementary Education. Credit 3.
SCHOOL. This course provides information about teacher-made and
standardized tests, record-keeping, evaluation techniques and approaches to
classroom management and discipline in the elementary school. Prerequisites:
Senior Standing, admission to Teacher Education Program and Departmental
Approval. Credit 3.
assigned to student teach in an elementary classroom for twelve weeks. Must be
taken with EED 492, ECE 486, BSL 488, SPD 484, or SED 497 for a total of six
semester hours credit for the provisional elementary or provisional all-level
certificate. Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching program. Credit 6.
SED 383, 394, 464, 480, 496, 497 | 18 |
Other Certification Requirements
SED 374, SED 392 | 6 |
Additional Degree Requirements
English (12 hrs.) and Speech Communication 384 preferred or 161 [transfer only]
(3 hrs.) (Criterion I)
Math and Computer Science (Criterion II)
Science (Criterion III)
Fine Arts (Criterion IV)
History and Political Science (Criterion V)
Criterion VI
Kinesiology or accepted substitutes (Criterion VII)
TEACHING FIELDS: Two teaching fields are required for secondary certification. Each must contain a minimum of 24 hours with at least 12 hours advanced work.
The approved teaching fields for the provisional secondary certificate are: art, biology, business administration, business basic, business composite, chemistry, computer information systems, dance, earth science, economics, English, English/language arts, French, generic special education, geography, German, government, health, history, industrial arts, journalism, kinesiology, life/earth science, mathematics, music, physical science, physics, psychology, reading, science, social studies, sociology, Spanish, speech communications, and theater arts.
Students majoring in business basic, business composite, art, industrial arts, mathematics or music may prepare in a single teaching field. A single composite teaching field is also available in the areas of English/language arts, social studies, or science.
Students may qualify for the all-level provisional certificate with majors in art, music, and kinesiology.
All students must file applications and be admitted to a certificate program prior to registering for more than six semester hours of professional education courses. Additional information regarding teaching certificates may be found in the Certification section of this catalogue.
Students are encouraged to have their official degree plans written no later than the first semester of their junior year. Each student seeking secondary or all-level certification is expected to consult with an advisor in secondary education at the time the degree plan is formalized. A checklist of information about the program and the profession will be completed at that time.
NOTE: During the student teaching semester nine hours are considered a full academic course load. Students in the student teaching semester are counted as full-time students.
SED 374 HUMAN GROWTH AND LEARNING. This course examines growth and
learning in elementary and secondary environs. Major theories of
teaching-learning processes are studied. Human development related to education
is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the cultural milieu. Prerequisite:
Junior standing. Credit 3.
objectives, construction and use of teacher-made tests, grading, cumulative
folders, parent conferences, statistics and interpretations of standardized
tests. Further, this course provides laboratory experiences in the selection,
development and use of audio-visual materials for teaching. The operation of
audio-visual equipment is emphasized. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Credit
Application for admission to the Teacher Education Program required for the
following courses:
SED 392 CONTENT AREA READING AND WRITING. Students will learn to
determine pupils' needs and abilities in content area reading and writing
through the use of assessment instruments and will plan instructional
strategies appropriate to their needs within specific secondary teaching
fields. Students are required to observe in a secondary classroom for a minimum
of ten hours. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program and
Departmental Approval. Credit 3.
course provides
a survey of classroom management and discipline approaches appropriate in a
public school setting. A range of management approaches and models will be
critiqued. Study will include the philosophical foundations and integration of
these models. Students will observe or assist teachers in a secondary classroom
for a minimum of ten hours. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education
Program and Departmental Approval. Credit 3.
provides a
study of the objectives and the selection, organization, and presentation of
the subject matter of the various secondary school subjects, instruction in the
organization of units of work, and demonstration teaching. A minimum of ten
hours will be spent in field experiences in a public school classroom. To be
taken the semester prior to student teaching. Prerequisites: Admission to
Teacher Education Program and Departmental Approval. Credit 3.
SED 475 PROBLEMS. This course is designed to permit individual students
to study specific areas of interest and need. Prerequisite: Approval of
Coordinator of Secondary Education. Credit 3.
designed to assist future teachers in understanding the structure,
organization, and management of public schools at the national, state, and
local levels. Course content will include a study of the needs of the special
learner and students from various cultures. Prerequisite: Admission to Student
Teaching program. Credit 3.
student is
assigned full-time student teaching responsibilities at the secondary level
(Grades 6-12) for a period of twelve weeks. This time is divided among
observation, participation, teaching and conference activities. Time will be
spent in each of the student's teaching fields. Prerequisite: Admission to
Student Teaching program. Credit 6.
The various departments in Teacher Education provide guidance to individuals
preparing for Texas certification and cooperate with other departments in the
admission and preparation of undergraduate teacher education students. The
departments are responsible for planning student programs to remove course
deficiencies for certification and in preparing certification recommendations
to the Texas Education Agency.
Sam Houston State University is authorized to prepare and recommend
individuals for the following provisional certificates and endorsements:
GPA of 2.5 in all SED/EED course work.
Submit the following to the Chair of the Teacher Education Admissions
Board (Teacher Education Center, Room 213):
NOTICE: A student who has not met the requirements for admission to the
Teacher Education program will not be allowed to register for more than six
semester hours of professional education (AED, EED, HEE, IE or SED).
Elementary Education Requirements:
Secondary Education Requirements:
Submit the following to the Director of Field Experiences by
February 1 for student teaching in the fall semester and by September
1 for student teaching in the spring semester:
Submit the following to the Certification Officer:
In accordance with Article 6252-13c, Texas Civil Statutes, the Commissioner of
Education may suspend or revoke a teaching certificate, or refuse to issue a
teaching certificate for a person who has been convicted of a felony or
misdemeanor for a crime directly related to the duties and responsibilities of
the teaching profession. All potential certificate applicants with criminal
felony or misdemeanor convictions should contact the Certification Officer
immediately to seek clarification of their certification status.
In addition to the requirements listed above, an applicant for a certificate
must be of good moral character, be a citizen or be in the process of becoming
a naturalized citizen of the United States, and believe in and uphold the
Constitutions of the United States and the state of Texas.
Provisional Secondary. The approved program is listed under the
Department of Curriculum and Instruction section of this catalogue. See the
teaching field sections of this catalogue for specific course requirements for
each teaching field. The description of the composite programs in
English/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies are found in the College of
Arts and Sciences section of this catalogue.
Provisional All-Levels. See the Art, Music and Kinesiology sections of
this catalogue for descriptions of this program. The professional education
requirements are: EED 374, SED 383, SED 392, SED 394, SED 464, SED 480, EED
491, and SED 496. All-level kinesiology (physical education) majors must have a
second teaching field of 24 semester hours but the individual is not qualified
to teach that field unless certified as a secondary teacher.
Provisional Vocational. See the Agriculture and Home Economics sections
of this catalogue for descriptions of these programs. A student may qualify for
the Vocational Industrial Education Certificate by completing high school, five
years work experience, and six required courses in Vocational Trades and
Industry. The student may also qualify with a bachelor's degree, three years
work experience, and six required courses in Vocational Trades and Industry.
For further information, contact the Chair, Department of Technology.
English As A Second Language. May be added to valid provisional teacher
certificates, provisional special education and early childhood certificates,
or provisional vocational certificates which require a college degree. The
professional development sequence for the ESL endorsement consists of BSL 236
or 571, BSL 233 or 577, BSL 478 or 574, BSL 565, BSL 565, plus student teaching
(EED 488). The requirement for student teaching may be waived with one year of
successful classroom teaching experience on a permit in an approved ESL or
bilingual education program.
Return to the 96-98 Undergraduate Catalog
Provisional Elementary Teacher Certificate
All teachers' certificates are issued by the Texas Education Agency upon
recommendation of the University. This recommendation includes verification
of completion of an approved program in teacher preparation and a statement
affirming the academic, moral, and physical fitness of the individual for
service as a teacher. Sam Houston State University regards this recommending
power as a serious responsibility. Therefore, a screening procedure has been
initiated to provide a systematic appraisal of those who propose to become
Provisional Secondary Teacher Certificate
Provisional All-levels Teacher Certificate
Provisional Vocational Teacher Certificate
Physical Education
Vocational Agriculture: Production
Endorsements/Delivery Systems
Vocational Home Economics
Vocational Industrial Education
Bilingual Education
Early Childhood
Driver Education
Generic Special Education
Grade point averages for Admission, Retention, and Exit Requirements will be
computed on exactly the same basis as designated under "Scholastic
Requirements" in this catalogue.
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