Computing Science Program

FACULTY: Cagan, Johnny Carroll, Crouch, Hartness, Ji, Lu,McCoy

The Computing Science program offers major study plans for students wishing to pursue careers as a programmer/analyst or to prepare for advanced studies at the graduate level. In addition, minor study plans are offered which can be tailored to the needs of students majoring in almost any field. A plan leading to secondary teacher certification in Computer Science is also offered.

Sam Houston State University provides a comprehensive computing environment for students. The Computer Services Department operates several laboratories containing terminals, desktop computers, and work stations. A variety of operating systems, network protocols, programming languages and application packages are available. Students have full access to the Internet and E-mail facilities when on campus and through dial-up facilities from off-campus.

The department also operates a laboratory equipped with a small self-contained LAN server and Novell networks for network training and a multi-node transputer parallel processor.

Computing Science students are invited and encouraged to join the Sam Houston Association of Computer Scientists. The Club sponsors field trips, campus visits by guest speakers and occaisional student/faculty outings.

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Curriculum: Bachelor of Science in Computing Science

The Computing Science major requires a total of 39 hours of Computing Science course work disrtibuted as described below, ACC 231, MGT 380, MTH 379 and 3 additional hours of mathematics or Statistics. All general degree requirements including a minor in a non-Computing Science area must also be met.

The 39 hours of course work for the Computing Science major should be distributed as follows (Note: CS 133 and CS 138 cannot be used to meet this requirement):

Typical Plan

First YearCreditSecond YearCredit
CS 164, 1656CS 272, CS 3 hrs elective6
MTH 199, 299 or MTH 172, 173 6 BIO, CHM, PHY or GEL (one field) 8
ENG 164, 1656ENG 265, 275, or 2953
HIS 163, 1646ENG (200 level or higher) or SCM 3
ACC 2313POL 261, POL elective6
ART, DNC, MUS, THR 3Minor or electives6
KIN 215 , 1 hr KIN activity 232
Third YearCreditFourth YearCredit
CS 364 3CS 431, 437 6
CS advanced elective9CS advanced electives 9
MTH 3793MGT 3803
MTH/STA adv. elective3Minor or electives 15
BIO, CHM, PHY or GEL (one field) 833
Criterion VI electives6

Students with extensive high school programming experience may elect to begin a major or minor program with CS 165 or CS 272. Students who have taken the advanced placement computer science examination may be eligible for credit for CS 164 and CS 165.

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Curriculum: Minor in Computing Science

A Computing Science Minor consists of 22 hours of Computing Science course work of which at least 9 hours must be advanced. Three recommended minor plans are shown here. Modifications may be made to meet individual student needs if approved by the Computing Science program coordinator.

CS Minor with Information Systems Emphasis

CS Minor with Scientific Computing Emphasis CS Minor with Industrial Applications Emphasis


CS 133 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS. This is a computer literacy course. Basic computing concepts are presented. Assignments provide a hands-on experience in using microcomputer applications. Multimedia and the Internet are introduced. May not be taken for credit toward a CS major or minor. Credit 3.

CS 138 MULTIMEDIA AND NETWORK COMPUTING. This is an introduction to the computing technology underlying multimedia and network computing. The emphasis is on the use of this technology to improve communications. CD-Roms, audio and video capture, electronic mail, groupware and other hardware and software resources are used to prepare documents and visual aids and to make interactive presentations. Students enrolled in this course should be seeking a teaching certificate. Credit 3.

CS 143 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. This course develops the student's skills in the effective use of computing technology in the Social Sciences. Topics covered in depth include Windows, word processing, spreadsheets, database, integrated applications, local networking, the Internet and multimedia documents. Credit 4.

CS 162 INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS. This is a first course in programming using the FORTRAN programming language. Topics covered include terminal and file I/O, data types, arrays, selection statements, loops, sub-programs, parameter passing and string processing. The emphasis is on programs to solve computational problems. Prerequisite: MTH 170 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

CS 164 INTRODUCTION TO ALGORITHMS AND PROGRAMMING. This course is an introduction to programming. A software engineering approach to developing computer programs is stressed and object-oriented concepts are introduced. The development of procedures and the writing and testing of programs to implement them is emphasized. Prerequisite: Basic key-boarding and PC skills. Credit 3.

CS 165 PROGRAMMING ALGORITHMS AND DATA STRUCTURES. This course is a continuation of CS 164 and emphasizes the relationships between the data objects in computer programs. The relationships and methods for manipulating objects are more complex than those covered in CS 164. Re-usability is stressd through the use of generic data abstractions such as the C++ Standard Template Library. Prerequisite: CS 164 or consent of the instructor. Credit 3.

CS 234 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT. This is a course in the development of computer-based information systems for businesses. Macros, scripting, intelligent agents, and drag and drop programming are used to integrate graphical user interfaces and multimedia with common computer applications and networks to create individual, distributed and workgroup based system. Prerequisite: CS 143 or proficiency in DOS, Windows and basic networking skills. Credit 3.

CS 272 DIGITAL COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. This course examines the functional components of computer systems. Topics discussed include processors, memory types and hierarchies, buses, I/O, interrupts, etc. with emphasis on how they affect program execution, parameter passing and inter-program communications between programs written in diverse languages. Prerequisite:CS 165. Credit 3.

CS 278 INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING. This is an in-depth study of file-based information systems and languages used to implement them. Stand-alone, centralized and distributed systems are studied. COBOL is used extensively. Prerequisite: CS 164 or 234. Credit 3.

CS 333 DIGITAL COMPUTER STRUCTURE. This course is a continuation of Computing Science 272. It is a study of computer systems organization and systems programming. Uni- and multi-processor, SMP, parallel and distributed systems are studied. Prerequisite: CS 272. Credit 3.

*CS 334 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. This course emphasizes the design of information systems using database software and query language/programming interfaces. Data warehouse concepts are introduced. Legacy systems, LAN and distibuted systems based systems are used to give the student hands-on experience in systems development. (Formerly CS 436.) Prerequisite: CS 234 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

CS 336 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT. This is a course in the design and implementation of large-scale file and persistent object-based information systems. Client/server systems are covered. Prerequisite: CS 334 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

CS 364 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES. This course emphasizes programming languages which support the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm. Programming assignments are used to illustrate the features and weaknesses of the language and to develop the student's proficiency in the use of OOP technology. Prerequisite: Proficiency in at least one language which supports OOP. Credit 3.

CS 394 NUMERICAL METHODS. This course develops the concepts underlying the use of the computer for interpolation, approximations, solutions of equations and the solution of both linear and nonlinear systems equations. Mathematical software and/or user written programs are utilized. Also offered as Mathematics 394. Prerequisites: CS 162 and MTH 274 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

CS 396 SWITCHING THEORY. This course is an introduction to Boolean Algebra and graph theory with emphasis on their applications in the design of digital computer software and hardware. Logic systems are designed and analyzed. Prerequisite: CS 272 . Credit 3.

CS 430 LANGUAGE TRANSLATORS. This course deals with the design and implementation of assemblers, interpreters and compilers. Topics include symbol tables, lexical scanning, syntactic analysis, object code generation and storage allocation. Programming assignments will involve implementation of functional components of a translator. Prerequisite: CS 474. Credit 3.

CS 431 COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEMS. This course is concerned with software organization of computer systems. It is intended to bring together the concepts and techniques of programming languages, data structures and computer organization by considering their role in the design of general computer systems. The problems which arise in multiaccessing, multiprogramming, and multiprocessing are emphasized. Prerequisites: CS 333 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

CS 437 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. This course is an introduction to formal methods of specifying, designing, implementing and testing software for large programming projects. Methods of estimating and predicting reliability are discussed. Prerequisite: 6 hours of advanced CS. Credit 3.

CS 438 COMPUTER GRAPHICS. This course introduces graphical API's used in developing graphical user interfaces and multimedia applications. Topics covered are selected from the PHIGS, Windows, Presentation Manager, X Windows, digital video and other appropriate technologies. Prerequisite: 6 advanced hours of CS. Credit 3.

CS 463 NETWORKING. This course covers the architecture and protocols of local and wide area networks. Peer to peer and client/server configurations based upon DOS, OS/2 and Unix servers and clients are covered. Assignments involve the set-up, configuration and monitoring of Novell and Lan Server networks. Prerequisite: 6 advanced hours of CS. Credit 3.

CS 470 SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. Topics of general interest are offered on a timely basis. One such topic that will be offered is:

Cognitive Computing. This will be a course in constructing intelligent systems. Inference and neural engines will be used to create knowledge-based and adaptive learning applications. Fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, DNA, and neural networks will be covered.

Prerquisites: For all CS 470 topics -- CS 165 and 6 hrs. advanced CS or consent of instructor. Credit 1-3.

CS 474 DATA STRUCTURES. Introductory treatments of such topics as orthogonal lists, strings, arrays, linked lists, multilinked structures, indexed and direct files, and generalized data management and database management systems. Prerequisite: CS 272. Credit 3.

CS 477 SIMULATION. This is an introduction to simulation methodology applicable to all disciplines. It covers the design of simulation experiments, validation of models and their computer implementation. The use of a generalized simulation language is introduced and applied in class projects. Prerequisites: CS 162 or 165, 6 advanced hours CS and MTH 379, or consent of the instructor. Credit 3.

*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

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Mathematics Program


FACULTY: Carpenter, Coleman, Davis, Foley, Goad, Hallum, Hart, Hebert, Kirk, Klespis, Konen, Luning, Mattingly, O'Brien, Ruch, So, Sanders, R. Stoltenberg, Swarthout, Van Fleet

Curriculum outlines below are typical, although modifications may be made to meet individual student needs. In particular, while study plans usually begin with MTH 172, other courses such as MTH 163 or 170 may sometimes be more suitable. Moreover, students who have completed extensive high school mathematics may be eligible for advanced placement.

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Curricula: Major In Mathematics


First YearCreditSecond YearCredit
MTH 172, 173 6 MTH 274, 375 6
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 275, or 295 3
(from two different departments)
8 ENG (200 level or higher) or SCM 3
POL 261, POL elective6
HIS 163, 1646 FL (one field) 8-10
ART, DNC, MUS, or THR 3PHL elective 3
KIN 215 or accepted substitute 1Elective 3
KIN activity or accepted substitute1-332-34
Elective 3
Third and Fourth YearsCredit
MTH 364, 377, 461, 471, 477,
6 hrs. advanced MTH
Minor 18
ART, DNC, MUS, THR, or PHL 366 3
Criterion VI electives 9
FL (one field)6
Electives 5

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First YearCreditSecond YearCredit
MTH 172, 1736 MTH 274, 375 6
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 275, or 295 3
BIO, CHM, GEL, or PHY (one field)* 8 ENG (200 level or higher) or SCM 3
HIS 163, 164 6 BIO, CHM, GEL, or PHY (one field)*8
ART, DNC, MUS, or THR 3 POL 261, POL elective 6
KIN 215 or accepted substitute 1CS 164 3
KIN activity or accepted substitute1-3Elective3
Elective 332
Third and Fourth YearsCredit
MTH 364, 376, 377, 461, 466,
471, 477, 6 hrs. advanced MTH
Minor 18
Criterion VI electives 9
* Must include 8 semester hours from each of two fields.

Curricula: Minor in Mathematics

Minors in mathematics must include MTH 172, 173, 274 and 9 semester hours of advanced mathematics. Prerequisites should be carefully noted.

A student's major program of study may also impose requirements on a minor in mathematics. Thus, the selection of courses for a mathematics minor should be made with the counsel of both the major advisor and a mathematics advisor.

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For Elementary/Middle School Level Certificates

Plans must include MTH 184, 185, 186, 284, 285, 383, 384, 385 and 386 or approved substitutes. This program is accepted as a minor in mathematics.

For Secondary Level Certificates

Plans must include MTH 172, 173, 363, 364, 377, 379, 467 or 471, 484, 485 and CS 164 or approved substitutes. MTH 274 is recommended to complete a minor in mathematics.


The appropriate course to satisfy the standard for the first course in mathematics as described in Criterion II of the Baccalaureate Core is usually MTH 164. Other acceptable courses include MTH 163, 170, 172, and 199. MTH 166 does not meet this standard, but it may be elected for the second course described in Criterion II.

Mathematics 031D, 032D, 184, 185 and 186 may not be applied to meet either course requirement described in Criterion II. However, students obtaining elementary teacher certification may satisfy the first core curriculum course requirement in Criterion II by completing both MTH 184 and MTH 185.

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MTH 031D DEVELOPMENTAL MATHEMATICS I. This course deals with fundamental operations involving whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percents, ratio and proportion, interpretation of graphs, geometry, and introductory algebra including axioms and properties of the real number system, fundamental operations involving algebraic expressions, first degree equations and inequalities in one unknown. Credit in this course may not be applied toward graduation, computation of grade point averages or classification of students by hours completed.

MTH 032D DEVELOPMENTAL MATHEMATICS II. This course covers products and factoring of polynomials, algebraic fractions, exponents and radicals, quadratic equations, functions and graphs, applications and systems of equations. Credit in this course may not be applied toward graduation, computation of grade point averages or classification of students by hours completed.

MTH 163 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. [MATH 1316] Topics include coordinate systems, circular functions, solutions of triangles, identities, trigonometric equations, and inverse functions. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and high school geometry. Credit 3.

MTH 164 COLLEGE MATHEMATICS. [MATH 1332] This course is designed to meet the objectives of Criterion II for non-business and non-science related majors. Topics may include sets, counting principles, probability, logic, linear algebra, linear programming, and mathematics of finance. Applications are emphasized. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and high school geometry. Credit 3.

MTH 166 ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. [MATH 1321] Mathematical principles and techniques are applied to problems which arise in finance. Topics include simple interest, compound interest, installment buying, annuities, and perpetuities. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra, high school geometry. Credit 3.

*MTH 170 PRE CALCULUS ALGEBRA. [MATH 2312] Topics include a brief review of introductory algebra, variation, elementary theory of equations, functions (including exponential and logarithmic), inequalities, systems of equations, and other related topics. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and high school geometry. (Formerly MTH 162.) Credit 3.

MTH 172:173:274:375 This sequence of courses is a unified introduction to the fundamental concepts, skills, and applications of calculus and analytic geometry.

MTH 172 CALCULUS I. [MATH 2313] Topics include analytic geometry of the straight line, limits and continuity, the derivative, techniques for differentiation of algebraic and trigonometric functions, applications of the derivative, and anti-differentiation. Prerequisite: MTH 163 or high school equivalent. Credit 3.

MTH 173 CALCULUS II. [MATH 2314] Topics include the definite integral and its applications, the derivative and antiderivatives of logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions, and techniques of integration. Prerequisite: MTH 172. Credit 3.

MTH 184:185:186 INTRODUCTION TO THE FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS I, II & III These courses satisfy certification requirements for elementary education. Credit in these courses is applicable only toward elementary teacher certification.

MTH 184 INTRODUCTION TO THE FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS I. [MATH 1335] Topics include a study of sets, systems of numeration, natural numbers, integers, number theory and rational numbers. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and high school geometry. Credit 3.

MTH 185 INTRODUCTION TO THE FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS II. [MATH 1336] Topics include ratio and proportion, percent, real numbers, geometry, measurement, and probability and statistics. Prerequisite: MTH 184 with a grade of C or better. Credit 3.

*MTH 186 INTRODUCTION TO THE FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS III. Topics include basic notions of Euclidian Geometry in 2 and 3 dimensions, concepts of congruence and similarity, transformational geometry and measurement. Prerequisites: MTH 184 with a "C" or better. Credit 3.

MTH 199:299 This sequence of courses consists of a study of special concepts and techniques of mathematics which are of particular importance in the fields of business and economics.

MTH 199 MATHEMATICS FOR MANAGERIAL DECISION MAKING I. [MATH 1324] Topics include a review of introductory algebra, equations, relations, functions, graphs, linear programming, systems of equations and matrices, and mathematics of finance. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and high school geometry. Credit 3.

MTH 274 CALCULUS III. [MATH 2315] This course includes an introduction to indeterminate forms, improper integrals, Taylor's formula, infinite series, conic sections and other plane curves, polar coordinates, vectors, and solid analytic geometry. Prerequisite: MTH 173. Credit 3.

MTH 284 FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. The emphasis of this course is on functions and their graphs. Topics include linear, polynomial, logarithmic, and exponential functions. Prerequisite: MTH 185 with grade of C or better. This course may be applied only toward elementary school teacher certification. Credit 3.

MTH 285 FUNDAMENTALS OF CALCULUS. This course provides an introduction to the concepts and applications of calculus. This course may be applied only toward elementary school teacher certification. Prerequisite: MTH 284. Credit 3.

MTH 299 MATHEMATICS FOR MANAGERIAL DECISION MAKING II. [MATH 1325] Topics include differential and integral calculus with applications in business and economics. Prerequisite: MTH 170 or 199. Credit 3.

MTH 363 EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY. This course consists of a modern development of Euclidean geometry and a limited introduction to non-Euclidean geometry. Prerequisite: MTH 173. Normally offered in the Fall Semester and in Summer Session II. Credit 3.

MTH 364 INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL THOUGHT. This course includes an introduction to sets, logic, the axiomatic method and proof. Prerequisite: MTH 173. Normally offered in the Spring Semester and Summer Session I. Credit 3.

MTH 375 CALCULUS IV. This course includes the study of the calculus of functions of several variables and topics in vector calculus including line and surface integrals, Green's Theorem, Divergence Theorem, and Stoke's Theorem. Prerequisite: MTH 274. Credit 3.

MTH 376 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. This course, in conjunction with MTH 476, is intended to develop a basic competence in areas of mathematics that are used in solving problems from the physical sciences. This first course emphasizes the general solution of ordinary differential equations, including the Laplace transform and infinite series methods. Prerequisite: MTH 375 or consent of the instructor. Normally offered in the Fall Semester. Credit 3.

MTH 377 INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR ALGEBRA AND MATRICES. Topics include systems of linear equations, vector spaces, matrix operations, and linear transformations and their matrices. Prerequisite: MTH 173. Normally offered in the Spring Semester and in Summer Session II. Credit 3.

MTH 379 STATISTICAL METHODS IN PRACTICE. Topics include organization and presentation of data, measures of central tendency, dispersion, and position, probability distributions for discrete and continuous random variables, sampling techniques, parameter estimation, and hypothesis testing. Emphasis will be given to the use of the MINITAB statistics package. Also offered as STA 379. Prerequisites: 3 semester hours of mathematics and consent of instructor. Credit 3.

MTH 383 GEOMETRIC MEASURE AND TRANSFORMATIONS. Topics included in this course are measurement in one, two, and three dimensions, the metric system, transformation geometry, congruencies, similarities, geometric constructions, and coordinate systems. This course may be applied only toward elementary school teacher certification. Prerequisite: MTH 285. Normally offered in the Spring Semester and either in the Fall Semester or in the Summer. Credit 3.

MTH 384 FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS. This course includes the study of the development of the real number system, algebraic concepts and structures, elementary number theory, and an introduction to logic. It may be applied only toward elementary school teacher certification. Prerequisite: MTH 285. Normally offered in the Fall Semester and in Summer Session I. Credit 3.

MTH 385 USING TECHNOLOGY IN MATHEMATICS. The basic fundamental model of a computer is introduced and used as a basis for explaining the terminology associated with using computer systems. Binary and machine representation of information are discussed and elementary programming concepts are introduced. Software applicable to teaching elementary school mathematics is examined. Various microcomputers are used to provide hands-on experience. This course may be applied only toward elementary school certification. Prerequisites: MTH 285. Credit 3.

MTH 386 FUNDAMENTALS OF PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS. This course provides an introduction to probability and descriptive statistics, including the construction and interpretation of tables, graphs, and charts. Calculator techniques related to the above topics will be incorporated into the course. This course may be applied only toward elementary school teacher certification. Prerequisite: MTH 265. Normally offered in the Spring Semester and either in the Fall Semester or in the Summer. Credit 3.

MTH 387 FOUNDATIONS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS. Topics and projects in mathematics appropriate for the middle or junior high school mathematics specialist designed to meet individual student needs and interests. The course may be applied only toward elementary or secondary certification. Prerequisite: 6 hrs. advanced mathematics. Credit 3.

MTH 394 NUMERICAL METHODS. Topics include interpolation, approximations, solutions of equations, and the solution of both linear and nonlinear systems of equations. Also offered as CS 394. Prerequisites: CS 164 and MTH 274 or consent of the instructor. Normally offered in the Spring Semester only. Credit 3.

MTH 396 OPERATIONS RESEARCH I. Techniques for the application of the scientific method to decision making in business and government are presented through the formulation and interpretation of mathematical models for various specific real life problems. Prerequisite: MTH 299 or 173. Credit 3.

MTH 461 INTRODUCTORY ANALYSIS. This course consists of a more thorough treatment of the material traditionally considered in elementary calculus. Topics include sets, functions, properties of the real number system and sequences. Prerequisite: MTH 364 or consent of the instructor. Normally offered in the Fall Semester only. Credit 3.

MTH 466 ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS. Topics include limits, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integration, infinite series and sequences and series of functions. Prerequisite: MTH 461 or consent of instructor. Normally offered in the Spring Semester only. Credit 3.

MTH 467 THE EVOLUTION OF MATHEMATICS. An introduction to the historical development of fundamental mathematical ideas from antiquity to the present. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Normally offered in Spring and Summer Session II. Credit 3.

MTH 470 SPECIAL TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS. Normally, this course consists of readings and individual research appropriate for the undergraduate level with subject matter for study selected by mutual agreement of student and supervisor. However, special classes may be organized when there is sufficient student interest in a particular project. Prerequisites: 6 semester hours of advanced Mathematics. This course may be taken for Academic Distinction credit. See Academic Distinction Program in this catalogue. Credit 3.

MTH 471 THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS I. Topics include basic concepts and properties of probabilities, random variables, statistical distributions, measures of central tendency, variance, covariance, correlation, functions of random variables, sampling distributions, and the Central Limit Theorem. Also offered as STA 471. Prerequisite: MTH 173 (Calculus II). Credit 3.

MTH 476 TOPICS IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS I. This course, in conjunction with MTH 376, is intended to develop a basic competence in areas of mathematics that are used in solving problems from the physical sciences. Topics will be selected from partial differential equations, multivariable and vector calculus, and complex analysis. Prerequisite: MTH 376 or consent of the instructor. Normally offered in the Spring Semester only. Credit 3.

MTH 477 ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES. Topics include groups, rings, fields, finite groups and abelian groups. Prerequisite: MTH 364 or consent of the instructor. Normally offered in the Fall Semester only. Credit 3.

MTH 484 A SURVEY OF MATHEMATICAL IDEAS. This course is designed to bring together and supplement the technical material of other mathematics courses in the mathematics teacher-education program and relate it to the mathematics curriculum of the secondary school. This course may be applied only toward teacher certification. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Normally offered in the Fall Semester only. Credit 3.

MTH 485 MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING. This is an introduction to elementary techniques for obtaining numerical solutions to mathematical problems. Topics will include problems from number theory, consumer mathematics, geometry, algebra and probability and statistics. This course may be applied only toward teacher certification. Prerequisite: Advanced standing in mathematics. Normally offered in the Spring Semester only. Credit 3.

*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

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Curricula: Minor in Statistics

Requirements are adjusted to accommodate program emphases.

Emphasis on Statistical Theory

Emphasis on Statistical Method

A concentration of twelve semester hours is appropriate for students who need an understanding of statistics to augment study in another field but who do not require a minor in statistics. A typical concentration might consist of STA 379 and 380 with two additional courses selected from STA 381, 470, 471, 472, and 473.

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STA 169 ELEMENTARY STATISTICS. [MATH 1342] This is a survey course in elementary statistics designed to acquaint students with the role of statistics in society. Coverage includes graphical descriptive methods, measures of central tendency and variation, the basic concepts of statistical inference, the notion of estimators, confidence intervals, and tests of hypotheses. Prerequisite: Two years of high school algebra. Credit 3.

STA 379 STATISTICAL METHODS IN PRACTICE. Topics include organization and presentation of data; measures of central tendency, dispersion, and position; probability distributions for discrete and continuous random variables, sampling techniques, parameter estimation, and hypothesis testing. Emphasis will be given to the use of the MINITAB statistics package. Also offered as MTH 379. Prerequisites: Three semester hours of mathematics and consent of instructor. Credit 3.

STA 380 STATISTICAL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS. Topics include sampling designs and hypothesis testing in analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and regression analysis. Design characteristics, model diagnostics, and hypothesis testing will be emphasized and work will be required on real data. The MINITAB and SAS statistics packages will be applied. Prerequisite: STA 379 or equivalent. Credit 3.

STA 381 SAMPLE SURVEY METHODS. The course treats principles needed in planning and conducting sample surveys. Topics include random, stratified, systematic, and cluster sampling methods as well as subsampling techniques. Prerequisite: STA 379 or equivalent. Credit 3.

STA 470 SPECIAL TOPICS IN STATISTICS. This course is designed to accommodate independent study and research with content determined by mutual agreement of student and supervisor. However, it may also be taught as a special organized class when there is sufficient student interest in a particular project. Such topics as statistical quality control, modeling and analysis, time series analysis, Monte-Carlo techniques and bootstrapping may be included. This course may be taken for Academic Distinction credit. (See Academic Distinction Program in this catalogue.) May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Six semester hours of advanced statistics and consent of instructor. Credit 3.

STA 471 THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS I. Topics include basic concepts and properties of probabilities, random variables, statistical distributions, measures of central tendency, variance, covariance, correlation, functions of random variables, sampling distributions, and the Central Limit Theorem. Also offered as MTH 471. Prerequisite: MTH 173 (Calculus II). Credit 3.

STA 472 THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS II. Topics include multivariate, conditional and marginal distributions, point and interval estimation, theory of estimation, maximum likelihood estimates, hypothesis testing, likelihood ratio tests, contingency analysis, and nonparametric statistics. Prerequisites: MTH 375 and STA 471. Credit 3.

STA 473 NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS. Topics include Chi-square goodness-of-fit testing and inferences concerning location and scale. Specific tests include the sign test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, tests for randomness and trends, and contingency analyses. Prerequisites: STA 379 and consent of instructor. Credit 3.

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