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Department of Library Science



Chair:  Holly Weimar    (936) 294-1150

Faculty: Mary Ann Bell, Rosemary Chance, Jennifer Crispin, Joanna Fountain, Tricia Kuon, Frank Hoffmann, Teri Lesesne, Kim Perry, Holly Weimar


The Department of Library Science is charged with applying the University’s mission specifically to the field of Library and Information Science.

Academic Programs

Undergraduates who are interested in becoming school librarians must hold a teaching certificate and pursue a Master of Library Science.


• Nationally recognized program
• Close working relationship with faculty and staff
• Value student diversity (ethnic and cultural backgrounds)
• Outstanding faculty

Career Opportunities

• Highlights commitment to literacy


Student Organizations

• Library Science Student Association (LSSA)


• Beatrice Craig Scholarship

Program Specific Requirements


Library Science courses may be included as required classes or ellectives in any curriculum and are recommended for providing the basis for effective, efficient use of libraries, resources for sharing literature with children and teens, and appropriate technology for use with P-12 students in the classroom for online searches and research. .


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