The University is authorized to grant six degrees at the undergraduate level. A student has the option of meeting the academic requirements for any degree as outlined in the catalogue at the time of admission or of meeting those listed in any later catalogue provided the requirements are met not later than six years from the effective date of the selected catalogue.

In the case of transfer students, and consistent with the core curriculum established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the above option is also available, including the use of the University catalogue current at the time the original institution was entered. Upon enrollment at the University, the transfer student is then under the above regulations just as though originally enrolled at Sam Houston State University.

Regardless of the degree sought, there are certain minimum requirements. The student is responsible for knowledge of the detailed requirements of the degree selected and any special requirements of the major and/or minor department.

Total Hours. A minimum of 128 semester hours including kinesiology or accepted substitutes is required for every degree. Every degree must contain a minimum of 124 academic hours.

Advanced Hours. Effective with the fall semester of 1998, at least 42 semester hours of advanced work must be completed for a degree. Good transcripts show a ratio of 50:50 lower division, upper division courses. No advanced work may be submitted for credit from a junior college. The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree requires a minimum of 36 advanced hours.

Writing Enhanced Courses. Effective with the fall semester of 1991, all beginning freshmen students will be required to complete six writing enhanced courses (minimum of 18 semester hours) prior to their graduation. The six courses include ENG 164, ENG 165, two courses in the student’s major, and two courses in any discipline.

Minimum Residence. To obtain a bachelor’s degree from Sam Houston State University, a student must complete a minimum of 30 hours in residence of which 24 must be advanced hours.

Major. A major is defined for the degree sought. A minimum of 12 semester hours must be advanced and taken in residence. See page 35.

Minor. A minor is defined for the degree sought. A minimum of 6 semester hours must be advanced and taken in residence. See page 35.

Grade Points. A minimum average of C in the total program and a minimum average of C in courses completed at Sam Houston State University in each major and minor field of study are required. However, a higher grade point average requirement may be established for a specific program. A student having a deficiency in grade points at the time of anticipated graduation must remove such deficiency by taking courses at the University.

Effective Fall Semester 1994

Sam Houston State University is committed to providing a formal education at the baccalaureate level of the highest possible quality for each student. It is accepted as a basic premise that

The good college today and yesterday breeds dissatisfaction with the unexamined, the pretentious, the senseless, the abusive and the dishonest. It is good when it breeds in students hope and alertness; when it makes them sensitive to the needs of others; when it helps them lessen the constraints of imperious self; when it puts purpose and unselfish citizenship into life. (Rufus Carrollton Harris, 1971) To this end the University is committed.

To aid in the accomplishment of these objectives and to assure the integrity of the liberal arts foundation, the University has identified several criteria which will characterize baccalaureate degree programs offered by the University. These criteria represent minimum standards only and the successful completion of course requirements associated with these standards shall not entitle a student to the award of a baccalaureate degree.

However, these criteria are offered as an assurance to the student that Sam Houston State University recognizes the importance of a quality baccalaureate education and is unequivocally committed to maintaining that quality in every degree program on campus.

The criteria and the associated requirements are stated below:

I. The ability to communicate effectively in spoken and written English and to understand the characteristics of literature as individual and cultural expression. This criterion may be satisfied with the completion of six semester hours in English composition; three hours in Western, British, or American literature; and three additional hours in English (200-level or higher) or in speech communication.

II. The recognition and understanding of quantitative, abstract, and symbolic modes of thinking and the exercise of logical reasoning. This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of Math 164 (or one of the substitutes listed in General Education Requirements for the Baccalaureate Core, Criterion II) and three additional hours to be selected from mathematics, logic (PHL 262 or 362), computing science, or statistics.

III. An understanding of scientific methods and scientific models of the natural world and an appreciation of issues related to science, technology, and society. This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of two four-hour laboratory science courses. The courses must be from two different departments: biological sciences, chemistry, geography/geology, or physics.

IV. A general knowledge and appreciation of the visual and performing arts. This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of one three-hour course in art, dance, music, or theatre.

V. An understanding of the history of the United States and of political relationships. This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of six credit hours in United States history and six credit hours in political science (excluding Political Science 371), including Political Science 261.

VI. An understanding of the complexity of the human condition revealed through studies of cultural diversity, social and behavioral sciences, and ethical responsibility. This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of nine semester credit hours selected with one course from each of the three clusters of courses listed below. No more than three semester credit hours from the major field and no more than three semester credit hours from the minor field may be applied toward this particular requirement of nine hours. No more than six hours from any one academic program may be applied toward the satisfaction of the required nine hours.

Cluster 1 - Perspectives on Cultural Diversity

Bilingual and English as a Second Language 236

French 141, 142, 263, 264, 380

Geography 265, 266, 330, 472

German 141, 142, 263, 264, 385

History 265, 266, 382

Political Science 335, 361, 368, 370, 387, 484

Sociology 168, 381, 465

Spanish 141, 142, 263, 264, 380, 385

Cluster 2 - Perspectives on the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Economics 230, 233, 234

Elementary Education 374/Secondary Education 374

Geography 331, 370

Psychology 131, 232, 374

Sociology 261, 264

Cluster 3 - Perspectives on Moral and Ethical Responsibilities

Family and Consumer Sciences 369

Health 280, 390

Philosophy 261, 363, 371, 471

Psychology 334

Secondary Education 480 (teacher certification students only)

Sociology 462

Special Education 231

VII. An understanding of self through physical development. This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of Kinesiology 215, marching band, or a military science course, and an additional course to be selected from the following: a kinesiology activity course, Agriculture 263, dance activity, military science, marching band or drill team, or Health 166.

¥ Students over twenty-five years of age, students with medical exemptions, and veterans of the U.S. armed services (with at least six months of active duty) will be exempted from meeting the requirements of Criterion VII.

¥ Transfer students will meet this requirement by presenting evidence of successful completion of two courses in kinesiology.

Effective Fall Semester 1994

NOTE: New Core Curriculum as of Fall 1999

Criterion I 12 hours

ENG 164, 165 6 hours

ENG 265, 275, or 295 3 hours

ENG (200 level or higher) or SCM 3 hours

Criterion II 6 hours

MTH 164 (exceptions: [1] current or prospective Business majors/minors will take MTH 199; [2] students desiring an algebra proficiency as a prerequisite for advanced mathematics courses may take MTH 170; [3] Computing Science majors will take MTH 295; [4] Elementary Education students will take MTH 184; [5] students with advanced mathematics training may substitute a math course with Mathematics Program approval) 3 hours

MTH (excluding MTH 031D, MTH 032D), statistics, CS, or

PHL 262 or 362 3 hours

Criterion III 8 hours

BIO, CHM, GEO 131/111/GEL, or PHY (from two different departments)

Criterion IV 3 hours

ART, DNC, MUS, or THR (one three-hour course) 3 hours

Criterion V 12 hours

HIS 163, 164 6 hours

POL 261, 3 hours POL (excluding POL 371) 6 hours

Criterion VI 9 hours

Human Understanding. (Nine semester hours must be selected with one course from each of the three clusters with no more than three hours from the major field, no more than three hours from the minor field, and no more than six hours from any one academic program.)

Cluster 1. Perspectives on Cultural Diversity

BSL 236

FRN 141, FRN 142, FRN 263, FRN 264, FRN 380

GEO 265, GEO 266, GEO 330, GEO 472

GER 141, GER 142, GER 263, GER 264, GER 385

HIS 265, HIS 266, HIS 382

POL 335, POL 361, POL 368, POL 370, POL 387, POL 484

SOC 168, SOC 381, SOC 465

SPN 141, SPN 142, SPN 263, SPN 264, SPN 380, SPN 385

Cluster 2. Perspectives on the Social and Behavioral Sciences

ECO 230, ECO 233, ECO 234

EED 374/SED 374

GEO 331, GEO 370

PSY 131, PSY 232, PSY 374

SOC 261, SOC 264

Cluster 3. Perspectives on Moral and Ethical Responsibilities

FCS 369

HED 280, HED 390

PHL 261, PHL 363, PHL 371, PHL 471

PSY 334

SED 480 (teacher certification students only)

SOC 462

SPD 231

Criterion VII 2-4 hours

KIN 215, marching band, or MS 1 hour

KIN activity, AGR 263, dance activity, marching band,

MS, drill team, or HED 166 1-3 hours

Students over twenty-five years of age, students with medical exemptions, and veterans of the U.S. armed services (with at least six months of active duty) will be exempted from meeting the requirements of Criterion VII.

Total 52-54 hours

Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (B.A.A.S.)
Major (A.A.S. degree - in-block courses) 36 to 48 hours

Minor 18 hours

General Education Requirements (Core Curriculum) 52-54 hours

Electives 8-22 hours

Total 128 hours

This degree program is administered by the College of Education and Applied Science.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Major 30 hours

Minor 18 hours

General Education Requirements (Core Curriculum) 52-54 hours

Fine Arts (ART, DNC, MUS, THR and PHL 366) 6 hours

Philosophy 3 hours

Foreign Language, one field (excluding courses taught in English) 12-14 hours

Electives 3-7 hours

Total 128 hours

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)

Major (Business courses) 55 hours

Economics 6 hours

English (ENG 164, 165; 3 hours from ENG 265, 275, or 295) 9 hours

SCM 282 3 hours

Science (BIO, CHM, GEL, PHY - from two different departments) 8 hours

Mathematics 3 hours

Computing Science 3 hours

History 6 hours

Political Science 6 hours

Art, Dance, Music, or Theatre 3 hours

Kinesiology or accepted substitutes 2 hours

Electives as may be specified by major 24 hours

Total 128 hours

Each program of study pursuant to the Bachelor of Business Administration degree includes the Core Courses for the Foundation Knowledge for Business. Additional course requirements are outlined by specific departments.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
In Art

Art 72 hours

General Education Requirements (Core Curriculum) 52-54 hours

Electives 2-4 hours

Total 128 hours

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
In Dance

Dance 62 hours

General Education Requirements (Core Curriculum) 52-54 hours

Electives 12-14 hours

Total 128 hours

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
In Radio/Television

Radio/Television* 62 hours

General Education Requirements (Core Curriculum) 52-54 hours

Electives 12-14 hours

Total 128 hours

* In individual cases up to 20 semester hours of allied fields may be used to meet the requirement, but department approval must be secured in each case.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
In Theatre

Theatre 62 hours

General Education Requirements (Core Curriculum) 52-54 hours

English (9 hours advanced), ART 260, ART 370, MUS 265 18 hours

Total* 132 hours

* Total number of hours required for the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre degree may be reduced by choosing courses that will fulfill more than one degree requirement.

Bachelor of Music (B.M.)

Major* 80 hours

General Education Requirements (Core Curriculum) 52-54 hours

Total 132 hours

* To include 42 advanced hours.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Major 36 hours

Minor 18 hours

General Education Requirements (Core Curriculum) 52-54 hours

Mathematics (excluding MTH 031D, MTH 032D) 6 hours

Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics (2 fields, 8 hours from each field) 16 hours

Mathematics (excluding MTH 031D, MTH 032D) or laboratory science electives (BIO, CHM, CS, GEL, GEO 131/111, or PHY and excluding the two fields of science in which 8 hours each have been completed) 6-8 hours

Total* 134 hours

* The total number of hours required for the Bachelor of Science degree may be reduced by choosing courses that will fulfill more than one degree requirement.


The program in General Studies is designed for those students who have not selected a major. This program allows the student to explore a variety of academic fields while completing basic course requirements.

Members of the faculty serve as advisors and counselors. The General Studies advisor will assist the student in selecting courses and in determining the choice of a major as indicated by interest and ability. A student cannot continue in the General Studies program beyond the completion of 52 semester credit hours.

The Office of the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, will assign students to advisors.


Ten graduate degrees are conferred by Sam Houston State University: Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice, Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership, Doctor of Philosophy in Forensic Clinical Psychology, Master of Arts, Master of Education, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Library Science, and Master of Music.

Detailed information concerning the graduate faculty, degree programs, course offerings, admission policies, and application forms may be found in the Graduate Catalogue. Additional information may be obtained from the Office of Graduate Studies, P.O. Box 2478, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341.

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