Secondary Education Program

Teaching Fields
Course Descriptions

Professional Education Courses
SED 383, 394, 464, 480, 496, 497.................18
Other Certification Requirements
SED 374, SED 392.......................................6
Additional Degree Requirements
English (12 hrs.) and Speech Communication 384 preferred or 161 [transfer only] (3 hrs.) (Criterion I)
Math and Computer Science (Criterion II)
Science (Criterion III)
Fine Arts (Criterion IV)
History and Political Science (Criterion V)
Criterion VI
Kinesiology or accepted substitutes (Criterion VII)

TEACHING FIELDS: Two teaching fields are required for secondary certification. Each must contain a minimum of 24 hours with at least 12 hours advanced work.
    The approved teaching fields for the provisional secondary certificate are: art, biology, business administration, business basic, business composite, chemistry, computer information systems, dance, earth science, economics, English, English/language arts, French, generic special education, geography, German, government, health, history, industrial arts, journalism, kinesiology, life/earth science, mathematics, music, physical science, physics, psychology, reading, science, social studies, sociology, Spanish, speech communications, and theater arts.
    Students majoring in business basic, business composite, art, industrial arts, mathematics or music may prepare in a single teaching field. A single composite teaching field is also available in the areas of English/language arts, social studies, or science.
    Students may qualify for the all-level provisional certificate with majors in art, music, and kinesiology.
    All students must file applications and be admitted to a certificate program prior to registering for more than six semester hours of professional education courses. Additional information regarding teaching certificates may be found in the Certification section of this catalogue.
    Students are encouraged to have their official degree plans written no later than the first semester of their junior year. Each student seeking secondary or all-level certification is expected to consult with an advisor in secondary education at the time the degree plan is formalized. A checklist of information about the program and the profession will be completed at that time.
NOTE: During the student teaching semester nine hours are considered a full academic course load. Students in the student teaching semester are counted as full-time students.

SED 374 HUMAN GROWTH AND LEARNING. This course examines growth and learning in elementary and secondary environs. Major theories of teaching-learning processes are studied. Human development related to education is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the cultural milieu. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Credit 3.
SED 383 MEASUREMENT AND MEDIA TECHNIQUES. Study is made of educational objectives, construction and use of teacher-made tests, grading, cumulative folders, parent conferences, statistics and interpretations of standardized tests. Further, this course provides laboratory experiences in the selection, development and use of audio-visual materials for teaching. The operation of audio-visual equipment is emphasized. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Credit 3.

Application for admission to the Teacher Education Program required for the following courses:
SED 392 CONTENT AREA READING AND WRITING. Students will learn to determine pupils’ needs and abilities in content area reading and writing through the use of assessment instruments and will plan instructional strategies appropriate to their needs within specific secondary teaching fields. Students are required to observe in a secondary classroom for a minimum of ten hours. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program and Departmental Approval. Credit 3.
SED 394 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS. This course provides a survey of classroom management and discipline approaches appropriate in a public school setting. A range of management approaches and models will be critiqued. Study will include the philosophical foundations and integration of these models. Students will observe or assist teachers in a secondary classroom for a minimum of ten hours. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program and Departmental Approval. Credit 3.
SED 464 METHODS OF TEACHING IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. This course provides a study of the objectives and the selection, organization, and presentation of the subject matter of the various secondary school subjects, instruction in the organization of units of work, and demonstration teaching. A minimum of ten hours will be spent in field experiences in a public school classroom. To be taken the semester prior to student teaching. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program and Departmental Approval. Credit 3.
SED 475 PROBLEMS. This course is designed to permit individual students to study specific areas of interest and need. Prerequisite: Approval of Coordinator of Secondary Education. Credit 3.
SED 480 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR. This course is designed to assist future teachers in understanding the structure, organization, and management of public schools at the national, state, and local levels. Course content will include a study of the needs of the special learner and students from various cultures. Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching program. Credit 3.
SED 496, 497 STUDENT TEACHING IN THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM. The student is assigned full-time student teaching responsibilities at the secondary level (Grades 6-12) for a period of twelve weeks. This time is divided among observation, participation, teaching and conference activities. Time will be spent in each of the student’s teaching fields. Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching program. Credit 6.



    The various departments in educator preparation provide guidance to individuals preparing for Texas certification and cooperate with other departments in the admission and preparation of undergraduate teacher education students. The departments are responsible for planning student programs to remove course deficiencies for certification and in preparing certification recommendations to the State Board for Educator Certification.
    Sam Houston State University is authorized to prepare and recommend individuals for the following provisional certificates and endorsements:
    Provisional Elementary Teacher Certificate
    Provisional Secondary Teacher Certificate
        Provisional All-levels Teacher Certificate
        Physical Education
    Provisional Vocational Teacher Certificate
        Vocational Agriculture: Production
        Vocational Home Economics
        Vocational Industrial Education
    Endorsements/Delivery Systems
        Bilingual Education
        Early Childhood
        Driver Education
        Generic Special Education
    All teachers’ certificates are issued by the State Board for Educator Certification upon recommendation of the University. This recommendation includes verification of completion of an approved program in teacher preparation and a statement affirming the academic, moral, and physical fitness of the individual for service as a teacher. Sam Houston State University regards this recommending power as a serious responsibility. Therefore, a screening procedure has been initiated to provide a systematic appraisal of those who propose to become teachers.

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