Course Description



FACULTY: Adkisson, Bexley, Griffin, Hart, Hill, Hurry, James, Jenkins, Leavell, Maniam, McConkie, Stowe, Tucker

The mission of the Department of General Business and Finance is to assist in fulfilling the mission of the University and the College of Business Administration by providing students at the undergraduate and master’s levels with an academic foundation to become productive citizens, to develop successful careers, and to provide interested students with the background to pursue graduate or professional studies. Programs of study which lead to Bachelor of Business Administration degrees in Finance or General Business Administration are designed to arouse intellectual curiosity, develop analytical reasoning, and provide historical and current information relative to the global environment.

The Finance degree is designed to prepare students for careers in finance in business, government, or not-for-profit entities. The Finance degree program is designed to provide students with the knowledge of the problems and opportunities that confront entities in the specific field of finance.

Curriculum: Major In Finance1
First Year Credit Second Year Credit
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 275, or 295 3
HIS 163, 164 6 SCM 282 3
MTH 199 3 ECO 233, 234 6
Laboratory Science2 8 POL 261 plus 3 hrs. POL3 6
ART, DNC, MUS, or THR 3 ACC 231, 232 6
CS 143 4 BAN 232, GBA 281 6
KIN 215 plus 1 hr. KIN 2 Electives 3
32 33
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
FIN 334, 367 6 MGT 475, 476 6
GBA 389, 362 6 FIN 468, 469, 486 9
BAN 363; MKT 371 6 FIN Electives (300- or 400-level5) 6
ACC 365, 366 6 ECO 463 or 467 3
MGT 380 3 Electives4 6
ECO 362 or 367 3 30
MIS 388 3
Curriculum: Minor In Finance

Minor in Finance: A minor in Finance (24 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in Finance requires ACC 231, 232; FIN 334, 367, 486; 6 additional advanced hours in FIN courses; and 3 additional hours of FIN courses at any level.


A minimum grade of C in finance courses taken (prefix FIN) is required for students to graduate with a B.B.A. in Finance.


FIN 171 PERSONAL FINANCE. [BUSI 1307] A study of the problems of personal financial management. Topics include savings, risks, investment considerations, insurance, taxation, governmental programs in financial planning, etc. Also recommended for non-business majors. Not open to students who have credit for FIN 367. Credit 3.

FIN 235 REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES. An introductory survey of the field of real estate practices. Included is a study of the activities of real estate finance, the problems involved in the transfer of real property and real estate securities, and the essentials of real estate law. Credit 3.

FIN 286 REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL. The study of appraisal processes and techniques used in the valuation of real property of all types. Credit 3.

FIN 334 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND MARKETS. This course will explore the structure of the financial system with emphasis on the role, operations, and regulations of financial institutions and markets, including international. The nature, participants, instruments, and relationships of the money and capital markets will be examined. Credit 3.

FIN 336 REAL ESTATE FINANCE. This course includes real estate mortgages, financing long-term leases, various methods of financing real estate, and the financial institutions involved in real estate financing. Credit 3.

FIN 367 BUSINESS FINANCE. A study is made of financial principles as applied to management of funds, capital budgeting, sources of funds, techniques of financial analysis, cost of capital, financial leverage, capital structure, forecasting financial needs, management of working capital, financial policies, analysis and regulation of security issues, and international finance. Prerequisites: ACC 232 and MTH 199 or equivalent. Credit 3.

FIN 373 LIFE INSURANCE. Principles of life insurance, business and personal uses of life insurance, classification and analysis of policies, reserves and policy values, and organization and administration of life insurance companies are studied. Credit 3.

FIN 377 PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE. A study is made of risk and insurance, property and liability insurance, and the legal aspects of property and casualty insurance contracts. Business interruption, standard and allied fire policies, marine, workers’ compensation, theft, bonds, and underwriting are stressed. Credit 3.

FIN 430 PROBLEMS IN FINANCE. The student may pursue special studies for which a special course is not organized. Prerequisites: 30 hours of Business Administration and consent of department chair. Credit 1, 2, or 3.

FIN 439 SEMINAR IN FINANCIAL ANALYSES. Studies in financial analyses to include financial futures and options, corporate financial management, investments, financial institutions and markets. Prerequisites: FIN 367. Credit 3. Typically offered only during the fall semester.

*FIN 465 ENTREPRENEURIAL AND SMALL FIRM FINANCE. A study of the development, implementation, and control of financial plans, strategies, and policies by owner-managers of small firms. Financing alternatives for small firms are explored. Prerequisite: FIN 367. Credit 3.

FIN 468 COMMERCIAL BANKING. This course includes operation of commercial banks, trust companies, Federal Reserve Banks, and other credit institutions. Federal Reserve Board and its function, rediscounting, open market operations, types of notes issued, and their relation to the Federal Reserve System are stressed. Special attention is given to recent bank legislation. Prerequisites: FIN 334 and FIN 367. Credit 3.

FIN 469 MANAGERIAL FINANCE. This course includes an in depth study of some of the tools used in financial management. Problems in the valuation of securities, capital costs, capital budgeting, risk analysis, capital structure, financial statement analysis, and dividend policy are stressed. Prerequisite: FIN 367 with a minimum grade of C. Credit 3.

FIN 471 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE. This course provides the student with a background in international finance by examining financial circumstances/problems unique to the multi-national firm. Some areas of study are international market forces that affect interest rates and currency values, hedging currency positions, and financing capital budgeting for the multi-national firms. Prerequisite: FIN 367. Credit 3. Typically offered only during the fall semester.

FIN 485 CREDIT AND COLLECTIONS. Emphasis is placed on credit management and the place of credit in the financial structure. Types of credit, credit terms, credit investigations, credit analysis, basis of credit extension, relation of credit to selling, using credit information, credit bureaus, and methods in collections are stressed. Prerequisite: ACC 231. Credit 3.

FIN 486 INVESTMENTS. A careful study is made of principles, types and forms of investments; modern investments; supply and demand for funds; characteristics of securities; federal, state, and municipal bonds; analysis of securities; and the movement of security prices. Prerequisite: FIN 367. Credit 3.

FIN 487 SECURITY ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT. This course is an advanced analysis and study of the techniques for selecting and combining securities into a portfolio. Content includes setting investment goals, diversification and risk reduction, capital market theory, and portfolio selection models. Prerequisite: FIN 486. Credit 3. Typically offered only during spring semesters.

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