FACULTY: Elliott, Moore, Muns, Taylor

The courses offered in the Department of Technology are designed to serve the following purposes: (1) to prepare the student to teach technology and education in the public schools; (2) to assist the student in selecting a career to follow in industry and to provide basic instruction and preparation in several phases of industry; and (3) to provide an opportunity for the student majoring in another department to supplement work in his/her chosen field.

Curriculum: Major in Industrial Technology


CRITERION I: ENG 164, 164 6
ENG 330, 3 hrs. from ENG 265, 275, 296 6
CS 3-4
CRITERION V: HIS 163, 164; POL 261, 3 adv. hrs POL 12
CRITERION VI: SED 374; 3 hrs selected from Cluster 1 6
CRITERION VII: KIN 215, 1 hr. 6
TOTAL 52-53
MAJOR: Core: IT 134, 161, 163, 166 or 267 12

Specialty Area:

IT 279 or 289, 434, 462, 474, 478, 485, 491 21

IT Electives 12

MINOR: None required

TEACHER SED 383* -- 1st Semester Junior

CERTIFICATION: SED 392 -- 2nd Semester Junior

SED 394* -- 2nd Semester Junior

IE 464* -- 1st Semester Senior

SED 480*, 496*, 497* -- 2nd Semester Senior 21

OTHER: SCM 384 or 161 3

Electives 6

TOTAL 130-131

* Professional Education courses.

No minor is required, but if an additional teaching field is desired, the student must meet the requirements of that teaching field. For the degree of Bachelor of Science and a teaching certificate with an integrated teaching field in technology, the student must complete a minimum of 48 semester hours in Industrial Technology and 18 semester hours in Professional Education. The courses listed above are required of all students who are majoring in Industrial Technology and seeking a teaching certificate.

The student should refer to the Admission, Retention, and Exit Requirements for Teacher Education as listed in the Secondary Education program or obtain information in Room 213 of the Teacher Education Center.

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Program in Industrial Technology

Certification in Trade and Industry

The Department of Technology is approved to offer vocational trades and industry certification courses. These courses may be applied toward certification or a Bachelor of Science degree. Students may enroll in the State required courses as either inservice or preservice employees. Inservice students must complete the required seven courses within two years of employment.

CRITERION I: ENG 164, 164 6
ENG 330, 3 hrs. from ENG 265, 275, 296 6
CS 3-4
CRITERION V: HIS 163, 164; POL 261, 3 adv. hrs POL 12
CRITERION VI: SED 374; 3 hrs selected from Cluster 1 and 3 9
CRITERION VII: KIN 215, 1 hr. 6
TOTAL 52-53
CORE: IE 430, 431, 463, 464, 479*, 491* 18

SUPPORT AREA: IT 161, 9 hrs. electives 12


EDUCATION: Internship 6

OTHER: SCM 384; 9 hrs. electives 12

TOTAL 130-131

* For Cooperative Education -- see the Department Chair.

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The Department of Technology provides a number of programs for students preparing to enter industry upon graduation. The student may earn a Bachelor of Science degree with a program in Design and Development, Electronics, Industrial Management, Production and Manufacturing, or Sales and Distribution.

For non-technology students, the following minors are available:


1. Construction

IT 161, 263, 372, 468, 470, 472, 484

2. Manufacturing/Production

IT 282, 369, 380, 434, 462, 474, 478

3. Computer Aided Design

IT 161, 279, 289, 439, 499, 6 hrs. Drafting

4. Industrial Management

IT 282, 374, 380, 472, 474, 478, 484

5. Sales and Distribution

IT 282, 434, 462, 468, 469, 484, 3 hrs.

6. General Technology

IT 134, 161,163, 166/267, 9 hrs.

7. Electronics

IT 134, 232, 235, 433, 473, 6 hrs. Electronics

8. Trades and Industry Certification

IT 430, 431, 463, 464, 479, 491

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Curriculum: Major in Industrial Technology

Program in Design and Development


CRITERION I: ENG 164, 164 6
ENG 330, 3 hrs. from ENG 265, 275, 296 6
CRITERION II: MTH 162 or 164, 163 6
CRITERION IV: ART 161 or 163 3
CRITERION V: HIS 163, 164; POL 261, 3 adv. hrs POL 12
CRITERION VI: ECO 230; 3 hrs selected from Cluster 1 and 3 9
CRITERION VII: KIN 215, 1 hr. 6
MAJOR: Core: IT 134, 161, 163, 267 12


IT 171, 263, 274, 279, 289, and 15 hrs. drafting 30

IT writing enhanced electives (IT 330 plus 3 hrs.) 6

MINOR: Traditional or Composite: 18

AGR 330, 382, 383, 386, 468

ART 265, 271

CS 272

FIN 235, 336, 386

GEO 362

HE 160, 364, 430, 431

MGT 380, 477

MKT 371




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Program in Electronics


CRITERION I: ENG 164, 164 6
ENG 330, 3 hrs. from ENG 265, 275, 296 6
CRITERION II: MTH 162, 163 6
CRITERION V: HIS 163, 164; POL 261, 3 adv. hrs POL 12
CRITERION VI: 3 hrs selected from Cluster 1, 2, and 3 9
CRITERION VII: KIN 215, 1 hr. 6
MAJOR: Core: IT 134, 161, 163, 166 or 267 12

Speciality Area: IT 232, 235, 330, 373, 433, 472,

473, 476 24

IT electives 12





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Program in Industrial Management


CRITERION I: ENG 164, 164 6
ENG 330, 3 hrs. from ENG 265, 275, 296 6
CRITERION II: MTH 162 or 164, 163 6
CRITERION V: HIS 163, 164; POL 261, 3 adv. hrs POL 12
CRITERION VI: ECO 230, 3 hrs selected from Cluster 1 and 3 9
CRITERION VII: KIN 215, 1 hr. 6
MAJOR: Core: IT 134, 161, 163, 166 or 267 12

Speciality Area: IT 282, 374, 380, 469, 472, 474,

478, 484 24

IT electives: (include 6 advanced hrs.) 166 or 267,

232, 274, 276, 330, 369, 370, 434, 462, 468, 470, 475,

co-op (3-6) 12





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Program in Production and Manufacturing


CRITERION I: ENG 164, 164 6
ENG 330, 3 hrs. from ENG 265, 275, 296 6
CRITERION II: MTH 163, 164 6
CRITERION V: HIS 163, 164; POL 261, 3 adv. hrs POL 12
CRITERION VI: ECO 230, 3 hrs selected from Cluster 1 and 3 9
CRITERION VII: KIN 215, 1 hr. 6
MAJOR: Core: IT 134, 161, 163, 166, 267 15

Speciality Area: IT 276, 282, 369, 462, 472,

474, 478 21

Support: select from IT 232, 279 or 289, 330, 370, 434,

467, 475, 477 12

MINOR: Traditional or Composite

Composite: See List. 18

AGR 330, 382, 386, 468

CS 272

GBA 365

MGT 380, 475, 481

MKT 371

GEO 362




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Program in Sales and Distribution


CRITERION I: ENG 164, 164 6
ENG 330, 3 hrs. from ENG 265, 275, 296 6
CRITERION II: MTH 163, 164 6
CRITERION V: HIS 163, 164; POL 261, 3 adv. hrs POL 12
CRITERION VI: ECO 230, 3 hrs selected from Cluster 1, 2, and 3 9
CRITERION VII: KIN 215, 1 hr. 6
MAJOR: Core: IT 134, 161, 163, 166 or 267 12

Speciality Area: IT 232, 276, 330, 369, 370, 434,

462, 279 or 289 or 467, 468, 469, 472, 474, 484 36

MINOR: GBA recommended. 21




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IE 430 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF VOCATIONAL INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. A study of the history and philosophy of Vocational Industrial Education. Credit 3.

IE 431 HUMAN RELATIONS FOR VOCATIONAL INDUSTRIAL TEACHERS. This course is designed to prepare the student to develop interpersonal skills and a better understanding of working relationships with people. Credit 3.

IE 463 PREPARATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS. This course is designed to prepare a student in the selection, development, organization, and effective use of instructional materials in Industrial Education classes. It involves the study of types, values, limitations and sources of instruction sheets and other teaching aids. Credit 3.

IE 464 METHODS OF TEACHING INDUSTRIAL SUBJECTS. A study of the objectives and the selection, organization and presentation of the subject matter of the various areas of Industrial Education including the organization of units of work, and demonstration teaching. Credit 3.

IE 465-466 STUDENT TEACHING IN INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. This course is designed for students assigned to an approved school to observe and student teach in the area of specialization as well as take part in other activities such as clubs, fairs, and other educational activities. Credit 3 each.

IE 479 OCCUPATIONAL ANALYSIS AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT. This course is designed to enable a student to analyze trades, occupational pursuits and jobs for divisions, operations and information in order to develop a curriculum compatible to his/her teaching field. Credit 3.

IE 491 LABORATORY MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZATION AND CONTROL. This course is designed to prepare students to successfully manage laboratory activities, organize their labs in accordance with contemporary concepts, and to control materials/supplies within their laboratories. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor. Credit 3.


IT 131 THEORY OF FLIGHT. Basic ground school. Course is designed to prepare the student to take the Federal Aviation Administration written examination for the private pilot certificate. Airplane systems, theory of flight, airports, communications and ATC procedures, weight and balance, meteorology, Federal Aviation regulations, Airman's Information Manual, flight computer, basic navigation, radio navigation, medical factors of flight. Credit 3.

IT 134 ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY I. This course is designed to provide fundamental understanding of electronics in DC circuits. Emphasis is on knowledge and application of electrical safety, power generation, metering instruments and circuit analysis. Laboratory experiences include "hands-on" circuit construction and basic troubleshooting. Credit 3.

IT 135 THEORY OF INSTRUMENT FLIGHT. This course is designed to introduce students to the instrument flight environment in an aircraft and prepare students for the FAA examination for an Instrument Flight Rating. Credit 3.

IT 161 ENGINEERING DRAWING. This is a recognized standard course in beginning drawing for engineering and industrial education. Credit 3.

IT 163 ELEMENTS OF WOOD TECHNOLOGY. Wood technology serves as an introduction to wood and wood products, the processing of wood, and the related information necessary for woodworking. Instruction is given in the correct use of hand tools and machine tools. Materials, jointry, project design, project development and safety in the woodworking laboratory are topics for study in wood technology. Credit 3.

IT 166 MACHINING TECHNOLOGY I. This course serves as an introduction to the problems, techniques, and processes of modern machining technology. Instruction is given in the use of hand and machine tools, introduction to computer numerical control, product planning and development, metric measurement, safety, and opportunities for employment in the machining industry. Credit 3.

IT 171 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. This course emphasizes problems of space relations of points, lines, surfaces, intersections, and developed surfaces, and their application to the graphical solution of engineering problems. Prerequisite: IT 161. Credit 3.

*IT 230 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL. United States and international air traffic rules and procedures. Moving air traffic in a sage and orderly manner through airspace. base course for a career as an air traffic controller. Credit 3.

IT 232 ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY II. This course is an in-depth study of the electronic principles associated with AC circuits. Topics of study include network theorems, circuit analysis methods, resonance, filters and frequency responses of reactive circuits. Prerequisite: IT 134 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 234 BASIC POWER MECHANICS. Theory and fundamental principles of the internal combustion engine, ignition, carburetion compression, utilization of modern testing equipment, repair and maintenance of two and four cycle engines. Credit 3.

IT 235 SOLID STATE ELECTRONICS. This course is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and experience in the principles and applications of solid state devices. Specific emphasis is placed on the construction, characteristics and applications of diodes, rectifiers, transistors, thyristors and integrated circuits. Laboratory experience is gained through circuit construction, testing and troubleshooting. Prerequisite: IT 232 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 263 HOME PLANNING. This course consists of the development of a set of plans and specifications for a small residence. Prerequisite: IT 161 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 267 ELEMENTS OF METAL TECHNOLOGY. This is an exploratory course in metals, providing experiences in product design and development and in the forming and fabrication of products in the areas of bench metalwork, sheet metals, machining, foundry, forging, gas and arc welding, and heat treatment. Credit 3.

IT 274 PROBLEMS IN INDUSTRIAL DESIGN. This course utilizes a number of problem solving techniques and procedures related to industrial design. Students are encouraged to use innovative techniques, in individual and group settings, to achieve workable solutions to selected design problems. Prerequisite: IT 161, 3 hours of materials processing, or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 276 MACHINING TECHNOLOGY II. This course is a continuation of IT 166 and is designed to give the student additional laboratory experiences and skills in precision machining, computer numerical control, programming, and application and measurement. Prerequisite: IT 166 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 279 INTRODUCTION TO INTERGRAPH MICROSTATION. This course is a study of basic CAD techniques using Intergraph MicroStation software. The course will cover commands and drafting procedures necessary for 2D design using MicroStation software. Credit 3.

IT 282 INTRODUCTION TO PRODUCTION AND OPERATION CONTROL. This course studies the fundamentals of production and planning of goods and services with an emphasis on the operational areas of design and development, facilities design, planning and scheduling, purchasing, inventory control, and quality control. This course is designed to enable first line supervisors to make practical application of existing management systems to the technology they must control. Credit 3.

IT 289 INTRODUCTION TO AUTOCAD. This course is intended to provide the student with a basic understanding of computer aided drafting utilizing AutoCAD software. The course will cover the necessary software commands and drafting techniques to allow for basic 2D design. Prerequisite: IT 161. Credit 3.

IT 330 CONTEMPORARY TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS, ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES. This course provides a study of society technologies and their effect on the daily lives of consumers. The course presents the pervasive nature of technology innovations and increases the awareness of the promises of uncertainty associated with the use of technology as a human enterprise. Credit 3.

IT 360-361 RELATED SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, AND TECHNOLOGY IN OCCUPATIONS. This is the written portion of an 18-hour segment of proficiency examinations. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. Credit 6.

IT 362-363 MANIPULATIVE SKILLS IN OCCUPATIONS. This segment is for the manipulative portion of the proficiency examination. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. Credit 6.

IT 364-365 KNOWLEDGE OF RELATED SUBJECTS IN OCCUPATIONAL AND PERSONAL QUALIFICATIONS. This is the oral portion of the proficiency examination. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. Credit 6.

IT 369 WELDING AND FOUNDRY. This course is comprised of a study of modern fabrication techniques involving welding and foundry. The welding portion of the course is concerned with a study of gas and arc welding -- theory, equipment, materials, safety, processes and techniques. Destructive and non-destructive testing methods are studied. Safety practices, procedures, and current development in pattern making and foundry are stressed in relation and application to the metal working industry. Prerequisite: IT 267 or consent ofinstructor. Credit 3.

IT 370 MACHINE WOODWORK. This course consists of the designing, planning, construction, and finishing of a piece of cabinet work or furniture. Prerequisite: IT 163 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 371 CIVIL DRAFTING. This course will consist of drafting techniques and requirements necessary for civil engineering offices. Topics include survey drafting, map drafting, topos, site plans, sub-division plats, profile drawings and other related topics. Prerequisites: IT 161, 171. Credit 3.

IT 372 STRUCTURAL DRAFTING. This course will consist of techniques and requirements necessary to the commercial or heavy construction industry. Topics will include foundation design, commercial building design and other structural works. Emphasis will also be given to pre-manufactured metal constructed building design. Prerequisites: IT 161, 171, 263. Credit 3.

IT 373 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. The principles and operation of electrical switching, timing and control devices are studied with emphasis on industrial solid state and digital controls. Topics of coverage include serveomechanisms, tranducers, motor control systems and closed-loop industrial systems. Prerequisite: IT 232 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 374 TIME AND MOTION STUDY. A study of the principles of motion economy, work measurement and improvement of production methods as they apply to modern industry. Attention is given to human relations, work simplification, and selected charting procedures. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 375 INDUSTRIAL DRAFTING. This course devotes special attention to the ancillary aspects of today's drawing requirements used by industry. Emphasis is placed on computer software interfaces between CAD programs and databases, spreadsheets, and word processing applications for the purpose of automatic generation of inventories, bills of materials, estimation sheets, tables, charts, and graphs. Prerequisites: IT 161 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 378 PIPE DRAFTING. This course acquaints the student with the basic piping fundamentals as used in refinery and petrochemical plant design. Students will make drawings using welded, screwed and socket-welded piping and fittings. Prerequisite: IT 161 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 379 ELECTRICAL-FLUID POWER DRAFTING. This course includes the illustration and preparation of drawings and the related symbolism used in electrical and fluid fields. Related and required piping and fitting fundamentals are also covered. Prerequisites: IT 161 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 380 MATERIAL HANDLING AND PLANT LAYOUT. This course is the study of the basic requirements needed to develop the most efficient layouts of equipment and of operating and service facilities whether in manufacturing plants, warehouses, or other industrial or business applications. Special emphasis is on the necessary coordination between plant layout, materials handling, work simplification and production planning, and operation control. Prerequisites: IT 282, 374. Credit 3.

IT 433 COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS. This course covers the fundamentals and applications of telecommunications with special emphasis directed toward the transmission and reception of audio and video signals. Testing, troubleshooting and maintenance skills are developed through extensive laboratory experiences. Prerequisite: IT 235 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 434 INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY. This course deals with a study of materials used in industrial manufacturing technology. Areas of study will include the nature of materials, polymeric, metallic, ceramic, wood, and miscellaneous materials used by industry. Studies will include the nature and scope of destructive and non-destructive testing. The course will supplement the present professional engineering technology-related courses necessary to provide scientific knowledge of how material is combined with modern industrial methods. Credit 3.

IT 439 COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING PRODUCTIVITY. This course is a continuation of IT 289. Using advanced problem-solving exercises, students will customize screen menus, utilize new AutoCAD commands, and develop better file management skills. Advance methods and procedures to increase CAD productivity will be emphasized. Additional CAD software will be utilized as it becomes available. Credit 3.

IT 460 ADVANCED ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING. This advanced course in architectural drafting consists of specifications, materials, labor estimates, and foundations for larger residences, churches, commercial and other structures with complete costs and legal requirements. Prerequisite: IT 263 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 462 INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS. A study of the plastics industry with special emphasis placed on heat forming of plastics, injection moulding, laminating, forming and casting of plastics. Prerequisite: IT 163 and 166 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 467 MACHINE DRAWING. This course consists of the principles and techniques involved in designing and drawing machine parts and other items normally required in an industrial setting. Topics include sectioning, dimensioning, view rotation, symbols, legends, developments, and blueprint details. Prerequisites: IT 161 and IT 171. Credit 3.

IT 468 COST ESTIMATING OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. This course is devoted to the study of qualities, types, and sizes of materials such as lumber and other wood products, masonry, paint, hardware, ceramic and metal products. In addition cost estimates for materials and labor are studied by figuring the cost estimate of a small residence. Extensive use is made of actual samples and other visual aids. Prerequisite: 12 hrs. of Industrial Technology or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 469 SALE OF INDUSTRIAL MATERIAL. This course deals with methods and techniques which will prove beneficial to the industrial salesperson or trainee. Topics covered include: individual approach, new customers, proposals, meeting competition, customer relations, forms design, and account servicing. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 470 PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES OF CONSTRUCTION. This course is designed to give a clear insight into the particular problems of construction and proper construction procedures. The site selection, availability of services, grading, subsurface explorations to determine foundation needs, construction organization, and other activities of construction are presented in logical units. Prerequisites: 12 hours of Industrial Technology. Credit 3.

IT 472 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY. This course is a study of the problems involved in developing an integrated safety program for an industrial or commercial establishment. It involves safety education, safe worker practices, recognition and elimination of health hazards, machinery guards, in-plant traffic, material handling and emergency treatment for industrial accidents. Credit 3.

IT 473 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS. This course is a study of the principles and applications of digital logic circuits including logic gates, counters, shift registers, and combinational logic circuits. Laboratory experiences consist of experimental problems. Prerequisite: IT 235 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 474 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES. A broad, non-technical study of the newest developments in manufacturing processes with a general picture of their application and cost. Prerequisite: Junior standing in Industrial Technology. Credit 3.

IT 475 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE. This course includes: a study of the proper adjustment and care of tools and machinery; periodical lubrication, reconditioning and sharpening of cutting edges; replacement of tools and parts; repair of worn parts; and installation of new equipment. Prerequisites: IT 163 and 166. Credit 3.

IT 476 ROBOTICS AND ELECTRONICS. This course is a study of the principles and applications of digital electronics associated with programmable devices used in industry. Specific emphasis is placed on sensing systems, analog/digital conversion, display devices, and memory registers. Prerequisite: IT 235, 473 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 477 COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL PROGRAMMING AND APPLICATION. This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth study of numerical control programming practices as used in industry. Areas of study will include the development of numerical control, programming methods, tooling for numerical control and a study of CNC in manufacturing and production. Prerequisite: IT 166 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 478 PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES OF PRODUCTION. This course is a practical study of the modern manufacturing industry. Concepts relating to mass production and automation are studied with emphasis on industrial management organizations, unions, industrial engineering, plant engineering, production engineering, and quality assurance. Prerequisite: IT 282, 380 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.

IT 484 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL PRACTICES. This course introduces students to the principles of management as pertaining to personnel. Responsibilities of management, industrial economics, supervisory information, training, group dynamics, work simplification, labor and human relations, working conditions, morale, motivation, and mental health are covered. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Credit 3.

IT 485 ENERGY, POWER, AND TRANSPORTATION IN INDUSTRY. This course provides a theoretical study of the conversion, storage, transmission, and utilization of energy. Instruction includes the theory, design, and operational principles of power delivery units. Concepts relating to various land, air, sea, and space transportation systems will be presented. Prerequisite: 12 hours of Industrial Technology. Credit 3.

IT 488 TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATION. A study and application of the tools, skills, standards and opportunities associated with the field of technical illustration. Prerequisites: IT 161, plus 6 hrs. drafting. Credit 3.

IT 490 DIRECTED STUDIES. Designed to provide students with the opportunity to gain specialized experience in one or more of the following areas: internship, laboratory procedures, individualized study, innovative curriculum, workshops, specialized training schools, and seminar. Internship is required of all teacher education majors. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. May be repeated or taken concurrently to a maximum of 9 hours. Variable credit.

IT 499 DRAFTING PROBLEMS AND PROCEDURES. This course is designed to include advanced principles of standard and computer drafting techniques related to industry, engineering, and education. Prerequisite: 9 hours of drafting. Credit 3.

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