College of Criminal Justice
96-98 Undergraduate Catalogue

Index to College of Criminal Justice
  • Mission Statement
  • Criminal Justice Undergraduate Curricula
  • Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
  • Additional Requirements
  • Criminal Justice Minor
  • Criminal Justice Program
  • Scholarships
  • Information on Programs and Grants
  • Criminal Justice Course Descriptions
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    Timothy J. Flanagan, Ph. D., Dean, College of Criminal Justice
    Margaret A. Farnworth, Ph. D., Associate Dean
    Jurg Gerber, Ph. D., Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies
    Kenneth G. Adams, Ph. D., Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs

    FACULTY: Adams, Barrum, Bramlett, Brewer, Cintron, Cuvelier, Damphousse, Del Carmen, Dowling, Farnworth, Flanagan, Friel, Gerber, Henningsen, Hoover, Horton, Johnson, Kercher, Longmire, Lyons, Marquart, Moore, Myers, Roth, Shearer, Souryal, Teske, Triplett

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    The criminal justice program at Sam Houston State University was established by the Texas Legislature in 1965 under House Resolution 469, which directed the University to establish a program of excellence in criminal justice with four objectives:
    Provide training for undergraduate and graduate students preparing for careers in criminal justice;
    Provide a program of continuing education for professionals already employed in the field;
    Provide technical assistance and consultation services to criminal justice agencies;
    Promote research on problems in crime and the administration of criminal justice.
    The College of Criminal Justice has developed a regional and national reputation for excellence. The academic programs include a major in criminal justice at the bachelor's level and graduate degrees at the Masters and Doctoral levels. The program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice is available only to students already holding an advanced degree.
    Through the Internship Program, many criminal justice agencies in the United States have had an opportunity to recruit dedicated and well-educated men and women for careers in law enforcement, corrections, penology, and a variety of social service agencies that work with the offender. Students interested in serving as interns must have maintained a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50 in all course work and be classified as seniors.

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    PREAMBLE: The College of Criminal Justice is committed to providing students with a quality liberal arts education. Furthermore, students will gain an appreciation of their role as criminal justice professionals and as contributing members of society. As a part of a public university, the College also is committed to public service.

    The University baccalaureate core curriculum will provide the foundation for talents necessary to succeed in the criminal justice profession and in society. These talents include:
    an ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
    an ability to use numbers and symbols in the representation of reality and to engage in logical thinking.
    an appreciation of the scientific method and the contribution of the sciences.
    an appreciation of culture through the visual and performing arts.
    an appreciation of human diversity and the imperative of human values in the preservation of a free society.
    an understanding of the political nature of society and its role in the Union of the United States.
    an understanding of the role of the individual as part of the family, groups, organization, and society.
    an appreciation of moral and ethical judgment.
    an appreciation of self through physical, social, and psychological development.

    CRIMINAL JUSTICE: Criminal justice is a discipline that encompasses the preservation and protection of social order in a free society. It includes such principles as democracy, rule of law, constitutionalism, civil liberties, and the safeguarding of citize ns against intimidation and oppression. The criminal justice curriculum which is based on the University's liberal arts core is designed to prepare students for higher education or entering careers in criminal justice. Graduates are expected to continue th eir personal and professional development in a variety of practical settings. To achieve this mission, four dimensions of development serve as a basis for the curriculum.

    KNOWLEDGE, REASONING, JUDGMENT: The criminal justice curriculum provides students with the opportunity and assistance to acquire knowledge of the roles of policing, courts, laws, and corrections as they contribute to social order. Students will gain knowle dge of the history, concepts, and critical issues in these areas through criminal justice required courses. The curriculum further provides a theoretical foundation of the discipline, combined with a thorough understanding of the scientific method as it ap plies to criminal justice. This combination is expected to sharpen the students' talents of reasoning and judgment qualities imperative to rational functioning in the discipline.

    ABILITY, SKILLS, INTEGRATION: The criminal justice curriculum provides students with the ability to achieve the professional goals of criminal justice. Students will learn how to prudently integrate knowledge and practice in criminal justice. Furthermore, the curriculum provides students with an opportunity to develop the individual and group skills necessary to meet various role expectations.

    CONDUCT, PROFESSIONALISM, ETHICS: The criminal justice curriculum will provide graduates with an appreciation for the complexity and dilemmas associated with the criminal justice profession. Criminal justice students will be exposed to the moral and ethica l dimensions of the various careers within the discipline and will be charged with the essential aptitudes necessary for their professional conduct.

    VISION, CHANGE, ADAPTATION: The criminal justice curriculum will provide students with an understanding of the discipline as it currently exists and as it is envisioned to be in the future. The criminal justice student will be able to apply vision in the f ace of change and to respond to the evolving nature of criminal justice and society. Furthermore, students will be equipped with the tools of adaptation for making these changes.

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    Sam Houston State University is authorized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Criminal Justice. Coursework for these degrees is offered by the College of Crim inal Justice. The prefix designation for registration purposes is CJ.

    Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board)

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    CJ 261 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System 3
    CJ 262 Criminology3
    CJ 264 Fundamentals of Criminal Law3
    CJ 436 Understanding Human Behavior or PSY 289 Psychology of Adjustment3
    CJ 465 Professionalism and Ethics in Criminal Justice3
    CJ 478 Introduction to Methods of Research 3

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    MAJOR (No Minor)
    Core Courses18
    Criminal Justice Electives*30
    (*Note: A maximum of six hours can be taken outside of Criminal Justice.)

    MAJOR (With Approved Minor in Another Field)
    Core Courses18
    Criminal Justice Electives (BA: 12 hours, BS: 18 hours) 12 or 18

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    Major 48
    English Composition (ENG 164, 165)6
    English Literature (ENG 265, 275, or 295)3
    English (200 level or higher) or Speech Communication3
    Mathematics (MTH 164 or approved substitute)3
    Math Elective*3
    Laboratory Science (from two different departments)**8
    Fine Arts (ART, DNC, THR, or MUS)9
    History (HIS 163, 164)6
    Political Science (POL 261 and 3 hours)6
    Physical Development (KIN 215, 1 hour)2
    Foreign Language12-14
    General Electives5-7

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    English Composition (ENG 164, 165)6
    English Literature (ENG 265, 275 or 295)3
    English (200 level or higher) or Speech Communication3
    Mathematics (MTH 164 or approved substitute)3
    Math Elective *3
    Laboratory Science (from two different departments)**16
    Mathematics or Laboratory Science ***6-8
    Fine Arts (ART, DNC, THR, or MUS)3
    History (HIS 163, 164)6
    Political Science (POL 261 and 3 hours)6
    Physical Development (KIN 215, 1 hour)2
    General Electives12-14

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    *This requirement may be satisfied by the successful completion of three additional hours of mathematics (excluding MTH 031D/032D), statistics, computer science, or PHL 262 or 362.
    **This requirement is met by the successful completion of two four-hour laboratory science courses. The courses must be from two different departments: BIO, CHM, GEL/GEO 141, or PHY.
    ***This requirement is met with the successful completion of 6-8 hours in mathematics or laboratory science courses. These courses must be taken from BIO, CHM, CS, GEL/GEO 141, or PHY and excluding the two departments in which eight hours of laboratory sc ience have been completed.
    ****This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of nine additional semester hours selected from Criterion VI of this catalogue.

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    Additional Requirements : Forty semesters hours of advanced work is the absolute minimum. Minimum number of semester hours in residence: 30 semesters hours of which 24 hours must be advanced.

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    CJ 261 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System3
    CJ 262 Criminology3
    CJ 264 Fundamentals of Criminal Law3
    CJ 436 Understanding Human Behavior or PSY 289 Psychology of Adjustment3
    CJ 465 Professionalism and Ethics in Criminal Justice3
    CJ 478 Introduction to Methods of Research 3

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    The following scholarships are available to criminal justice majors and awarded in April of each year at the College of Criminal Justice Honors Convocation for the following academic year:
    O. B. ELLIS AND J. PHILIP GIBBS, M. D. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. The Ellis-Gibbs Memorial Scholarship is available to female criminal justice majors between 21-45 years of age who have attained a minimum of junior level undergraduate standing or are candidates for or working towards master's or doctoral degrees. Prefere nce will be given to scholarship candidates with experience in the criminal justice profession.
    THE HUNDRED CLUB OF HOUSTON, INC. SCHOLARSHIPS. The following eight scholarships were established by The Hundred Club of Houston, Inc. to assist undergraduate students seeking degrees in law enforcement: Gordon Edge Scholarship, T. C. Morrow Memorial Scholarship, Robert T. Herrin, Sr. Scholarship, E. A. �Bud� Olson Memorial Scholarship, H. Stuart Lang, Jr. Scholarship, Charlie D. Worthen, Sr. Scholarship, David H. Morris Scholarship, and Leroy D. Melcher S cholarship . The Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP) is available to law enforcement officers majoring in criminal justice and employed by an agency in Harris County. These scholarships are available to both male and female law enforcement majors, junior standi ng or above, who have completed at least one long semester at Sam Houston State University, enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours, and have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
    MICHAEL SCHULZE SCHOLARSHIP. The Michael Schulze Scholarship is available to a criminal justice major, junior standing or above, who has completed at least one long semester at Sam Houston State University, enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours, and has a minimum grade point aver age of 3.0.
    LT. C. E. JORDAN, SR. SCHOLARSHIP. The Lt. C. E. Jordan, Sr. Scholarship may be granted for the fall and spring semesters only, to first-time freshmen at Sam Houston State University who have satisfactorily met the standard entrance requirements established by the University. Students recei ving the scholarships must maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average in his/her studies, and must be enrolled in at least 12 semester credit hours at Sam Houston State University, unless employed full time as a peace officer, in which case he/she must be enrolled in at least 9 semester hours. Other requirements of the scholarship are that the recipient be: (1) A United States Citizen and permanent resident of Texas; (2) a son, daughter, or legal ward of any peace officer or individual employed in areas re lated to or affiliated with the Criminal Justice field; (3) under 25 years of age, unless employed full time as a police officer, in which case the age limit is waived.
    TOM BROUSSARD, PH. D. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. The Thomas Broussard, Ph. D. Memorial Scholarship may be granted for the fall and spring semester only to an academically deserving graduate or undergraduate student at Sam Houston State University.
    JAMES C. BOSWELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. The James C. Boswell Scholarship may be granted for the fall and spring semesters to deserving undergraduate students in the College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University who have demonstrated financial need and who are seeking to pursue care ers in law enforcement or affiliated criminal justice disciplines.
    STEVE MOORE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. The Steve Moore Memorial Scholarship is available to a male or female criminal justice major, junior standing or above, who has completed at least one long semester at Sam Houston State University, is enrolled in minimum of 12 semester hours, and has a min imum grade point average of 3.0. Both need and scholarship are considered.
    NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION . The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship is available to a male or female criminal justice major. The recipient must be a sophomore, junior, or senior who has made a commitment to a criminal justice affiliated discipli ne. Recipients must meet the entrance requirements of the University and exhibit exceptional academic ability as certified by the scholarship committee. Recipients must possess high moral standards, and must have exemplified through high school and into co llege the qualities of maturity, community leadership, and appreciation of the country.
    ALPHA PHI SIGMA SCHOLARSHIP . The Alpha Phi Sigma - Phi Chapter Scholarship is awarded to a male or female member of the criminal justice organization who has completed 43 hours, of which 12 are in criminal justice, is enrolled in 12 semester hours, and has an overall grade point ave rage of 3.0 with a 3.2 grade point average in criminal justice.
    GEORGE J. BETO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP . The George J. Beto Memorial Scholarship is available to an international student or member of a minority group (including women), who has demonstrated financial need and has satisfactorily met the standard entrance requirements established by the Univers ity. The student must be enrolled as a full-time criminal justice student at Sam Houston State University. Preference is given to especially needy students from lower-income families. Special consideration will be given to first generation college studen ts. Preference will be given to undergraduate students, although graduate students will not be precluded.
    CHARLES M. FRIEL SCHOLARSHIP, VICTOR G. STRECHER SCHOLARSHIP, and GEORGE G. KILLINGER SCHOLARSHIP. These scholarships are granted for the fall and spring semesters to academically deserving undergraduate or graduate students in the College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University.
    KELLY HARRIS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP and WAYLAND D. PILCHER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. These scholarships are granted for the fall and spring semesters to academically deserving undergraduate students in the College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University.


    For additional information regarding admission requirements, degree programs, description of courses, and scholarships available to students, please refer to appropriate sections of the Undergraduate Catalogue or the Graduate Catalogue of Sam Houston Stat e University. Brochures and information regarding the College of Criminal Justice baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral programs may be obtained by writing:
    Dean and Director
    College of Criminal Justice
    Sam Houston State University
    Huntsville, Texas 77341-2296

    Requests for information concerning loans, grants, and other financial aid to undergraduate students should be addressed to the Student Financial Aid Office.

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    NOTE: Course numbering is according to the following scheme :
    100 level - Designed primarily for freshman and sophomore level.
    200 level - Designed primarily for freshman and sophomore level.
    300 level - Designed for sophomore and junior level.
    400 level - Designed primarily for junior and senior level.

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    CJ 261INTRODUCTION TO THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM . [CRIJ 1301] An introductory course designed to familiarize students with the facets of the criminal justice system, the sub-systems and how they interrelate, processing of offenders, punishment and its alternatives, and the future of the criminal justice system. Credit 3.
    CJ 262CRIMINOLOGY . [CRIJ 1307] Crime as a form of deviant behavior; nature and extent of crime; past and present theories; evaluation of prevention, control, and treatment programs. Credit 3.
    CJ 264>FUNDAMENTALS OF CRIMINAL LAW . [CRIJ 1310] A course in substantive criminal law which includes definition of law, definition of crime, general principles of criminal responsibility, elements of the major crimes, punishments, conditions or circumstances which may excuse from criminal r esponsibility or mitigate punishment, the court system of Texas and the United States, basic concepts of criminal law with emphasis on the penal law of the State of Texas. Credit 3.
    CJ 267POLICE SYSTEMS AND PRACTICES . [CRIJ 2328] Philosophy and history of law enforcement; limitations imposed on law enforcement in a democratic society in accordance with the Constitution; agencies of law enforcement; role and place of law enforcement in the total justice process. Credit 3.
    CJ 268CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION . [CRIJ 2314] Survey of scientific crime detection methods; identification and preservation of evidence; instrumentation, and report writing. Prerequisite: 267 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.
    CJ 273LEGAL ASPECTS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT . [CRIJ 2323] Investigation, arrest, search and seizure; study of constitutional and statutory law and the decisions of the United States Supreme Court and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Credit 3.
    CJ 294THE COURTS AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE . [CRIJ 1306] Examines procedural requirements for judicial processing of criminal offenders. Examines concepts of evidence sufficiency, standards of proof, due process, and constitutional safeguards. Credit 3.
    CJ 339HISTORY OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM . A study of the major social, economic, legal and political events which have contributed to the formation of the American Criminal Justice System. Emphasis is on the common roots of the different components of the present system. Pre\requisite: CJ 261 Cr edit 3.
    *CJ 361COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS . The study of criminal justice in societies other than the United States including, but not limited to, the European region, the Asian region, and the African region. Emphasis is on the uncommon roots of criminal justice in these regions and the effective ness of such systems in responding to criminal behavior. Prerequisites: CJ 261 andCJ 262. Credit 3.
    *CJ 396JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AND JUVENILE JUSTICE. Nature and extent of delinquency, explanatory models and theories: the juvenile justice system; history, philosophy, and evaluation of the juvenile court, juvenile court practices and procedures; the role of the police officer and the correctional officer. Credit 3.
    CJ 430LAW AND SOCIETY . The nature, functions, limitations and objectives of law; civil procedure; civil law and selected social problems, for example abortion, euthanasia; the civil courts; the grand jury and petit jury; torts; civil liability for police and correctional offic ers; family law. Credit 3.
    CJ 432LEGAL ASPECTS OF CORRECTIONS . Legal problems from conviction to release; pre-sentence investigations, sentencing, probation and parole; incarceration; loss and restoration of civil rights. Emphasis on practical legal problems confronting the probation and parole office and the correc tional administrator. Credit 3.
    CJ 436UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR . The dynamics of human behavior; analysis of the biological, cultural, sociological and psychological factors. Credit 3.
    CJ 460CORRECTIONAL SYSTEMS AND PRACTICES . Analysis and evaluation of contemporary correctional systems; discussion of recent research concerning the correctional institution and the various field services. Credit 3.
    CJ 462DRUG USE AND ABUSE . The description, classification, and analysis of the extent of the drug problem. Credit 3.
    CJ 464ALCOHOL: A SOCIAL DILEMMA . Overview of the most serious drug abuse problem confronting today's society. Alcohol education - philosophy and background; physiological, and social aspects of alcohol use and abuse; social control measures; alcohol and public safety. Credit 3.
    CJ 465PROFESSIONALISM AND ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE . The study of theories and practices in areas of legality, morality, values and ethics as they pertain to criminal justice. Included will be such topics as police corruption, brutality, and methods of dealing with such practices, as well as the concept of profession and professional conduct. Credit 3.
    CJ 468ORGANIZED CRIME . Historical survey of organized crime in America, areas of influence, remedial practices and control. Credit 3.
    CJ 470CORRECTIONAL COUNSELING . Counseling psychology with emphasis on principals and procedures; the theoretical foundations of therapeutic psychology; therapeutic techniques and therapeutic process. Credit 3.
    CJ 473UNDERGRADUATE INTERNSHIP IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE . A minimum of three months in an approved criminal justice or social agency setting taken preferably between junior and senior years. Designed to provide the student with an opportunity to apply academic learning in practical situations. See the College's Internship Coordinator for details about this program. Credit 9.

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    CJ 474COMMUNITY RESOURCES IN CORRECTIONS . A survey and analysis of probation, parole, and other community-reintegration procedures, halfway houses, community treatment centers, volunteer programs, and graduated release with special emphasis upon the functions, possibilities, and problem of commu nity-based programs. Credit 3.
    CJ 476READINGS AND INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE . Designed for advanced students in the behavioral sciences who are capable of independent study. Registration upon approval of the Assistant Dean of the College of Criminal Justice and the instructor directing the course. Credit to be arranged.
    CJ 477SPECIAL TOPICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE . Designed to give the advanced undergraduate student academic flexibility. May be repeated for credit. Credit 3.
    CJ 478INTRODUCTION TO METHODS OF RESEARCH . Methods and techniques of research in the behavioral sciences; historical development of psychological and social research; techniques and problems. Credit 3.
    CJ 480VICTIMOLOGY . Survey of the literature, research and current trends concerning the victim in the criminal justice system; particular attention is given to the victim rights and compensation, fear of crime measuring victimization, and the impact of victimization on the individual. Credit 3.
    CJ 481ADMINISTRATIVE CONCEPTS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT . Basic principles and practices of administration and their applications to law enforcement. Relationship of theoretical administrative concepts and practical police problems. Credit 3.
    CJ 482SOCIAL DEVIANCE . The psychological and sociological aspects of socially deviant behavior; theoretical overviews and implications for social control and social policy. Credit 3.
    CJ 483FAMILY VIOLENCE . The course will address the theoretical issues, both past and present, regarding family violence in order to provide the student with an understanding of the salient issues. In addition, attention will be given to the impact family violence has on the vi ctim and society, legal aspects of family violence, key factors associated with recognition of family violence (especially child abuse), and pertinent research focusing on the subject. Credit 3.
    CJ 484CURRENT POLICE POLICIES . Analysis of police policies with particular attention to the current major problem areas from the point of view of both the administrator and the line operations officer. Integration of established scientific knowledge with practical police experience in the various areas of police functioning. Prerequisite: CJ 267. Credit 3.
    CJ 488 INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE . Descriptive statistics, probability theory, statistical inference, and significance tests by parametric and nonparametric methods, and the measures of association. Credit 3.
    CJ 489FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERVIEWING . The interaction involved in the face to face interview, knowledge of behavior reactions; development of an awareness of likely responses to the behavior of the interviewer. Credit 3.
    CJ 493POLICE-COMMUNITY RELATIONS . A basic introductory course treating the broad field of Police and Community Relations, focusing particularly on police and community response. Prerequisite: CJ 261 or CJ 267. Credit 3.
    CJ 495PSYCHOLOGY FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PERSONNEL . The course deals with the psychological screening and selection, career influences and extra-career influences on criminal justice personnel and the public. Credit 3.
    CJ 496ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT PLANNING . Virtually all community and institutional programs for juvenile and adult offenders either voluntarily or by mandate utilize an individual written treatment plan (IWTP). In addition, drug and alcohol programs for offender and non-offender populations use individual written treatment plans. Also, correctional personnel increasingly are supervising more offenders with special conditions who were previously diverted to other agencies. This course provides instruction in reading, writing and utilizing treatme nt planning documents. Prerequisite: Core Courses. Credit 3.
    CJ 497GROUP COUNSELING . The goal of a helping professional in the corrections component of the criminal justice system is developing or changing attitudes and behaviors of clients in some socially accepted direction. Social skill development, increasing self-confidence, and pla nning for the future are other focuses. Group-based methods of intervention are effective and efficient for confronting a variety of personal and social problems and planning for and creating change. Prerequisite: Core courses. Credit 3.

    *Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

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