First Year | Credit | Second Year | Credit |
POL 261 | 3 | POL 379 | 3 |
ENG 164, 165 | 6 | ENG 265, 275, or 295 | 3 |
MTH (164 or approved substitute) | 3 | ENG (200 level or higher) or SCM | 3 |
POL elective | 3 | FL 263, 264 | 6 |
HIS 163, 164 | 6 | STA 379 | 3 |
FL 141, 142 | 8 | BIO, CHM, GEL/GEO 141, or PHY (from two different departments) | 8 |
KIN 215 or accepted substitute | 1 | ||
KIN activity or accepted substitute | 1-3 | POL 377, POL elective | 6 |
31-33 | CS elective | 3 | |
35 |
Third and Fourth Years | Credit |
POL 410, POL 472, and POL electives | 16 |
PHL elective | 3 |
Criterion VI electives | 9 |
Minor | 18-24 |
ART, DNC, MUS, THR, or PHL 366 | 6 |
Electives | 4-10 |
62 |
First Year | Credit | Second Year | Credit |
POL 261 | 3 | POL 379 | 3 |
ENG 164, 165 | 6 | ENG 265, 275, or 295 | 3 |
MTH 164 (or approved substitute) | 3 | ENG (200 level or higher) or SCM | 3 |
MTH | 3 | STA 379 | 3 |
HIS 163, 164 | 6 | BIO, CHM, GEL, PHY (one field not used in first year) | 8 |
BIO, CHM, GEL, PHY (one field) | 8 | ||
KIN 215 or accepted substitute | 1 | ART, DNC, MUS, or THR | 3 |
KIN activity or accepted substitute | 1-3 | CS elective | 3 |
31-33 | POL elective | 3 | |
Criterion VI elective | 3 | ||
32 |
Third and Fourth Years | Credit |
POL 410, POL (including POL 377 and 472) | 28 |
Criterion VI electives | 6 |
Minor | 18-24 |
Electives | 7-13 |
65 |
Political Science: 31 hours including 261, 335, 378, 379, 410, 433, and 3 hours in Comparative Politics.
Economics: 230 and 3 hours advanced ECO.
Geography: 161, 265, 266, 369, and 471.
History: 265, 266, and 463.
Sociology: 261.
POL 331 LOCAL POLITICAL SYSTEMS. A comparative study of local governments with emphasis on the municipality. Topics include the political theory of local government, leadership recruitment and political participation, intergovernmental relations, and revenue and service levels of local government. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 332 STATE POLITICAL SYSTEMS. A comparative analysis of politics in the fifty states. Variations and similarities in state politics are examined, described, and related to other features of the states. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 334 JUDICIAL SYSTEMS. An orientation course for pre-law students and others interested in the legal aspects of government. Emphasis is placed on the development of judicial systems and the policy making role of courts. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 335 POLITICS OF ETHNIC MINORITIES AND GENDER. A study of political theory, behavior, beliefs, and public policy as they relate to race, ethnicity, and gender in the United States. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 336 THE PRESIDENCY AND EXECUTIVES. A study of the office of
President including the institutionalization of the presidency along with a
consideration of state governors and the heads of local governing bodies in the
United States. Emphasis is placed on comparative development, roles,
structures, processes, and functions. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political
Science. Credit 3.
POL 337 THE CONGRESS AND LEGISLATURES. An examination of the powers,
organization, procedures, and operations of legislative bodies in the United
States. Consideration is given to such matters as selection of legislators,
legislative leadership, influence of lobbyists, political parties, legislative
committees, executives, and legislative roles and norms. Prerequisites: 6 hours
of Political Science. Credit 3.
of the development of the party system from the founding of the republic to the
present, together with an examination of party processes, party machines,
pressure groups, party finances, the electorate, nominating techniques,
political campaigns, and elections. Prerequisite:
POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 433 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. An analysis of the development of
constitutional principles and doctrines with emphasis on the influence of
courts in the exercise of judicial review. Particular attention is given to the
issues of civil liberties, the attempts to adjust the constitutional system to
the requirements of large scale industrialization and the urbanization of life
in the United States. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.
POL 377 INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL THEORY. A survey of the development of
political theory. The course will examine definitions, purposes, and basic
characteristics of classical political theory. Prerequisite:
POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 378 AMERICAN POLITICAL THOUGHT. This course surveys American
political ideas and movements from colonial times to the present.
Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.
concepts and methods of research in political science. Attention is given to
library usage, professional journals, primary source materials, and writing
techniques. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 472 POLITICAL ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR. An examination of political
socialization, political recruitment, voting behavior, and public policy
outputs. The approaches examined include role, group, political culture,
systems analysis, and functional analysis. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political
Science. Credit 3.
relations between nation-states in the international system and the factors
influencing their behavior. The changing nature of the international system is
analyzed, as are the political and economic sources of tension, war and
diplomacy, international law and organization, and the bases of power.
Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 381 AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. This course examines the domestic and
international forces which influence the development of American foreign
policy. The course emphasizes the post-World War II era and includes discussion
of such major issues of U.S. foreign policy as the settlement of World War II,
the politics and crises of the Cold War, and America's role in the post-Cold
War world order. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
and theories of international and domestic conflict, as well as methods of
their resolution. Interstate violence, terrorism, guerilla warfare, and
revolution are given special emphasis. Prerequisite:
POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 368 ASIAN POLITICS. A comparative survey of politics and government
in Asia, concentrating on China and Japan, but including other countries.
Considerable attention is given to the historical and cultural backgrounds of
each country as well as recent developments in the region. Prerequisite:
POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 370 WESTERN EUROPEAN POLITICS. A comparative study of politics and
government in Western Europe, concentrating on Great Britain, France, Germany,
and Italy, but including Spain, Sweden, Holland, and others. Special attention
is also given to the institutions and development of the European Community.
Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 387 LATIN AMERICAN POLITICS. A survey of contemporary patterns of
government and politics in Latin America with emphasis on institutions,
processes, behavior, and problems of democracy, authoritarianism, and political
development in selected nations. Historical, social, and economic background
factors are also considered, along with major issues of U.S.-Latin American
relations. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 484 COMPARATIVE POLITICS. An examination of major issues and
problems within the field of comparative politics. Topics will vary and may
include political development, democratization, violence and revolution,
elites, parties, bureaucracies, problems of comparative analysis, and other
major concerns of the field. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science.
Credit 3.
governmental organizations within society and analysis of the differences and
their impact upon practices of administration in public agencies. Consideration
is also given to the management tools available to governmental agencies and
their capabilities and limitations. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political
Science. Credit 3.
POL 392 PUBLIC POLICY AND BUSINESS. A general study of the role of
modern government in the economy and society. Particular attention is given to
governmental activity in regulating and promoting business activity.
Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 395 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY. A study of the major environmental issues
confronting government and society and the development of national, state, and
local policies to deal with those issues. Attention is also given to the
implementation and administration of the policies. Prerequisite:
POL 261. Credit 3.
POL 481 PROBLEMS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE. This course is designed to
examine special topics which cut across the usual areas of concentration in
government. A single topic will be considered each semester this course is
offered. Topics may include political socialization, ethnic politics, crises in
political systems, research techniques, and other subjects. Prerequisites: 6
hours of Political Science. Credit 3.
course is designed especially for advanced students in Political Science who
are capable of independent study. Work may involve advanced readings, directed
research, or assignment as an intern in a political or government office.
Registration is upon the approval of the Chair of the Department of Political
Science and the instructor directing the course. This course may be taken for
Academic Distinction Credit. Prerequisites: 12 hours of Political Science and
departmental permission. Credit 1-3.