Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Major in Geology | Major in Geoscience | Major in Composite Science (Geology Emphasis) | Teacher Certification | Minor in Geology

Course Descriptions

Chair: Marcus Gillespie (936) 294-1233

Faculty: Don Albert, Chris Baldwin, Cody Barron, Brian Cooper, Marcus Gillespie, Gang Gong, Mark Leipnik, Dennis Netoff, Jim Tiller, Betsy Torrez, and C. Allen Williams


The Department of Geography and Geology is an excellent blend of two disciplines that have a common thread. Both programs are concerned with the physical environment, its impact on and the ways that humans have modified the natural environment. Students may major or minor in either program.


The primary mission of the Department of Geography and Geology is to provide students of the two complimentary programs a comprehensive understanding of the range and depth of these scientific disciplines which encompass, respectively, the human and physical domains of geography, and the physical and historical domains of geology. This understanding is intended to enable our students to achieve their full potential as skilled professionals and well-qualified technical employees in a diverse range of companies and governmental organizations, and to become effective teachers and community leaders. Our programs enable students to become informed users of a range of technologies and prudent stewards of our natural resources. This understanding of the world will promote successful careers, active life-long learning, and an ability and desire to contribute positively to society.


Coordinator: Brian J. Cooper (936) 294-1566

Faculty: Chris Baldwin, Mark Leipnik, Dennis Netoff, Betsy Torrez


Geology is the ultimate integrated science because all of the principles and methods of the other sciences, as well as geologic principles and methods, are applied to an understanding of the Earth. Geologists study rocks, of course, but they study them from the context of providing information that may eventually be used to forecast earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other geologic hazards. The information obtained may also be applied to help geologists locate various natural resources. Therefore, geology serves to enhance human existence by attempting to reduce risk and by providing the materials necessary for the expansion of civilization.

Academic Programs

  • BS in Geology
  • BS in Geology with a plan in Geoscience
  • Teacher Certification (BS in Social Science Composite – Geology Emphasis)

The Program offers three Bachelor of Science plans. The Geology Plan is designed for the person seeking a position in industry or planning to attend graduate school. The Geoscience Plan is designed for the person with a general interest in geology. The Composite Science plan is for someone wanting certification to teach at the secondary level. Each plan is designed to provide an education in the fundamentals of geology. The required geology courses will give the student an understanding of the earth and will provide an opportunity to observe, investigate, analyze, and interpret geological materials, processes, and structures.


Located on the third floor of the Lee Drain Building, the department maintains both a Geographic Information System (GIS) lab and a combination GIS and remote sensing lab. These labs contain state-of-the-art computers, software and scanners. We also have a van for fieldtrips, a Zodiac watercraft used for field research, a coring device capable of taking 20-foot core samples, highquality GPS receivers, and a large-scale flume to demonstrate sedimentation processes. In order to enhance learning, all of our rooms are outfitted with video-projection systems, and our lecture rooms have sound systems and dedicated computers with Internet access that are used by the instructors for teaching purposes. Many of our students obtain internships and work with faculty members on research projects.

Career Opportunities

Geology majors generally pursue careers in three areas:

  • the environmental industry
  • the petroleum industry
  • teaching

Geology students are provided with the knowledge and skills required to pursue an applied profession, a career in education, and/or continued education at the graduate level.

Suggested Minors

Geography, Geographic Information Systems, science minor, Mathematics, or Computer Sciences

Student Organizations

Sam Houston Association of Geology Students (SHAGS) – SHAGS is a very active student organization that sponsors field trips to sites in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Alumni, professors, and other professional geologists are invited to speak at SHAGS meetings. Geology majors benefit greatly from the sense of camaraderie gained during the field trips, meetings, and other activities.


Educational and research opportunities using GIS are available through a variety of internship opportunities that will increase students’ skills and employment opportunities.


• SHAGS SCHOLARSHIP: $500 per year, awarded to two students, junior or senior status, Geology majors,minimum GPA of 3.0, faculty recommendations required.

• CANNAN GEOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIPS: $600 per year, junior or senior status, Geology majors, minimum GPA of 3.2 in Geology and overall 3.0, faculty recommendations required.

Scholarship recipients are determined by a faculty committee during the Spring semester.

Program Specific Requirements

Geology program specific requirements include ENG 330, 8 hours in each of BIO, CHM, and PHY; plus additional MTH requirements depending on the specific degree option.


Required Courses for Geology Major

Bachelor of Science, Geology: GEL 132/112 or 133/113, plus 134/114, 334, 344, 345, 440, 442, 460, 461, and three Advanced GEL Electives.

Bachelor of Science, Geoscience: GEL 132/112 or 133/113, plus 134/114, 334, 344, 345, 440, 442, and five Advanced GEL Electives.

Major in Geology
Bachelor of Science

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
GEL 132/112 or 133/113 4 GEL 334, 344, 345 11
GEL 134/114 4 Component Area 4 (Literature) 3
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 330 3
CHM 138/118, 139/119 8 BIO 162/112 plus 161/111 or 137/117 8
HIS 163, 164 6 MTH 142 plus 143 or 379 7-8
CS 133 3 Component Area 5 (Social & Behavioral Sciences) 3
KIN 215 1   35-36
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
GEL 440, 442, GEL (Adv) 11-12 GEL 460, 461 6
PHY 138/118, 139/119 8 Two Advanced GEL Electives 6-8
POL 261 3 Component Area 4 (Cultural Studies) 3
Component Area 4 (Visual & Performing Arts) 3 POL (200-level) 3
Courses in accepted minor 6 Courses in accepted minor 12
  31-32   30-32

Major in Geology – Geoscience Plan
Bachelor of Science

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
GEL 132/112 or 133/113 4 GEL 334, 344, 345 11
GEL 134/114 4 Component Area 4 (Literature) 3
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 330 3
CHM 138/118, 139/119 8 BIO 162/112 plus 161/111 or 137/117 8
MTH 163, 170, 142 or more advanced 6 HIS 163,164 6
CS 133 3 Component Area 5 (Social & Behavioral Sciences) 3
KIN 215 1   33
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
GEL 440, 442, GEL (Adv) 11-12 Four Advanced GEL Electives 12-14
PHY 138/118, 139/119 8 Component Area 4 (Cultural Studies) 3
Component Area 4 (Visual & Performing Arts) 3 POL (200-level) 3
POL 261 3 Courses in accepted minor 12
Courses in accepted minor 6   30-32

Major in Composite Science
(Geology Emphasis)

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
GEL 132/112 or 133/113 4 GEL 334, 344, 345 11
GEL 134/114 4 Component Area 4 (Literature) 3
ENG 164, 165 6 SCM 384 3
CHM 138/118, 139/119 8 BIO 161/111, 162/112 8
HIS 163, 164 6 MTH 170, 163 6
Component Area 4 (Visual & Performing Arts) 3   31
KIN 215 1    
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
GEL 330, 360 6 GEL 335, 442 7
CHM 238/218 4 PHY 138/118, 139/119 8
GEO 131/111 4 PHY 397/317 4
Component Area 4 (Cultural Studies) 3 BIO 234 3
POL 261, POL (200-level) 6 Component Area 5 (Social & Behavioral Sciences) 3
CS 133 3 Electives* 8
Electives* 6   33


Teacher Certification

Students seeking teacher certification at the secondary level should use their 14 elective hours and an additional 10 hours to satisfy the certification requirements (SED 383, 394, 464, 480, 496 and 497; RDG 392; SED 374 or PSY 374). Those students not seeking certification should use their electives to fulfill the university requirements for advanced hours.

Minor in Geology

GEL 132/112 or 133/113, plus 134/114 and 12 hours advanced geology.


Course Description: