SHSU Undergraduate Catalogue 2002 - 2004 SHSU Student
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CHAIR: ROGER D. ABSHIRE (936) 294-1256

NAVIGATION: Marketing Major | Marketing Minor | Course Descriptions

FACULTY: Capps, Duffy, Earl, Kilbourne, Kohers, Lewis, Lilly, Maddux, Mehta, Newbold, Reed, Sower, Taylor, Van Over, Wayhan

The mission of the Department of Management and Marketing is to advance the mission of the College of Business Administration. The Department's mission is to furnish students the requisite knowledge and skills to be successful in management, human resource management, management information systems, and marketing, or related careers and to pursue graduate studies. The department is committed to excellence in teaching, intellectual contributions, and service.

The Management program is designed to prepare students for positions and careers requiring leadership and managerial skills. The Marketing program is designed to prepare students to make marketing decisions that facilitate the organization in achieving its objectives. The Human Resource Management program is intended to prepare students to manage an organization's human resources in an effective and efficient manner. The Management Information Systems curriculum is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to function in entry level information systems positions with a basis for continued career growth. All programs will prepare students for graduate studies.


Curriculum: Major In Marketing 1
First Year Credit Second Year Credit
ENG 164, 165


ECO 233, 234 6
HIS 163, 164 6 POL 261, 200-level Political Science 6
MTH 199 3 ACC 231, 232 6
Laboratory Science 2 8 ENG 265, 266, or 267 3
MIS 188, CS 133, 143 3 SCM 282 3
Visual and Performing Arts Elective 3 3 BAN 232 3
KIN 215 1 GBA 281 3
PSY 131 or SOC 261 3 Cultural Studies Electives 4 3
  33   33
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
MKT 371, 378, 472 9 MKT 471, 473 6
MGT 380, GBA 389 6 MKT 374, 376, 466, 477 or 478 6
FIN 367, BAN 363 9 MGT 475, 476 6
ACC 369, MIS 388 6 ECO 367, 467 6
Electives 3 Electives 8
  30   32


A minor in Marketing (21 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in Marketing requires MKT 371, 378, 473; and 12 additional advanced hours in MKT.

1 No more than 50% (excluding nine hours of ECO and six hours of statistics, BAN 232, 363, and 364) of the required curriculum may come from the College of Business Administration. Transfer students must take at least 50% of the required business curriculum for the B.B.A. degree in residence at Sam Houston State University.
2 Two four-hour laboratory science courses must be taken from two different departments: Biology (including ESC 147), Chemistry, Geography/Geology (the only geography course that satisfies a laboratory science requirement is GEO 131/111), or Physics.
3 Select from ART 160, 161, 163, 260, DNC 131, 176, MUS 161, 264, 265, or THR 160, 164, 166, 230, 231. Satisfies the Visual and Performing Arts requirement of Component Area 4 of the Core Curriculum (see General Information section of this catalogue).
4 Select from BSL 236, Foreign Languages 263, 264, GEO 265, 266, HIS 265, 266, or SOC 168. Satisfies the Cultural Studies requirement of Component Area 4 of the Core Curriculum (see General Information section of this catalogue).


MKT 371 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING. This course includes marketing functions, transportation, assembling, storage, trade channels, cost, co-operative marketing, trade association, market analysis, marketing structures and agencies, types of middlemen, international marketing, and current marketing practices. Prerequisite: Junior Standing. Credit 3.

MKT 372 ADVERTISING PRINCIPLES. Advertising fundamentals in relation to modern business activity, fields of advertising, campaigns, appropriations, media and survey of activities of those engaged in advertising work studied. Credit 3.

MKT 374 SALES MANAGEMENT. A study of the Selling process and the principles involved in the managing of the selling function. Provides an overview of the field of sales management and the role of the sales manager. Prerequisites: MKT 371, MGT 380. Credit 3.

MKT 376 RETAILING. This course includes the evolution of retailing, the scope of retailing, store location, store layout, organization, the customer, buying markets, receiving and marketing merchandise, mark-up, stock control, merchandise plan, fashions, retail credit, accounting, insurance, and sales promotion. Prerequisite: MKT 371. Credit 3.

MKT 378 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. A study of consumer decision-making processes in marketing and the factors that influence these processes. Prerequisite: MKT 371. Credit 3.

MKT 430 PROBLEMS IN MARKETING. The credit in this course varies according to the work performed. The student may pursue special studies for which a special course is not organized. Prerequisites: 30 hours in Business and Economics and consent of the instructor. This course may be taken for the Academic Distinction Program. Credit 1, 2, or 3.

MKT 464 INTERNET MARKETING. This course will explore issues companies need to consider when using the internet as a medium for marketing goods and services. Besides the World Wide Web, several other e-marketing issues will be discussed (e.g., GIS, GPS, Database marketing, EDI, Data mining, etc.). The class will not delve too deeply into technical details, but rather discusses Internet marketing issues in the context of marketing strategy, consumer behavior, marketing communication, retailing, distribution, pricing, etc. Prerequisites: MIS 388 and MKT 371. Credit 3.

MKT 466 SERVICES MARKETING MANAGEMENT. This course examines the characteristics of the service domain. The planning, organization, production, and marketing of quality services will be the focus of the course. Prerequisites: MGT 380 and MKT 371. Credit 3.

MKT 471 INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING. Surveys the economic, cultural and political foundations of international marketing systems, the foreign consumer, product policies, and distributional structures as well as the promotional and marketing research phases of foreign operations. Prerequisite: MKT 371, MGT 380. Credit 3.

MKT 472 MARKETING RESEARCH. The study of methods of collecting and analyzing information to be used in determining marketing strategy and making marketing decisions. Prerequisites: MKT 371, BAN 363. Credit 3.

MKT 473 MARKETING MANAGEMENT. Application of managerial principles in the development and execution of marketing strategy. Prerequisite: MGT 380 and MKT 371 plus six additional hours of marketing. Credit 3.

MKT 477 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. A study of the marketing channels of distribution and the management of the integrated supply chain for products and services. The course addresses both upstream (suppliers) and downstream (channels of distribution) organizational members. Topics include purchasing, supplier selection/development, inter-organizational information systems, risk management, physical distribution, logistics, warehousing, channel relationships, and inventory management. Prerequisite: MGT 380, MKT 371. Credit 3.

MKT 478 MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY. A study of contemporary issues in marketing communications. An examination of how the elements of the promotional mix, with emphasis on advertising, are used to develop effective marketing strategies. Prerequisite: MKT 371. Credit 3.