(Archived) 2000-2002 Undergraduate Catalog: Medical Technology Jump to navigation area Jump to content area


By the authority of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists and in cooperation with several accredited hospitals, the Department of Chemistry administers a program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Medical Technology.

Advisor: Benny Arney

The Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Medical Technology may be earned by completing the following 100 semester-hour core, and a year of clinical training at an American Medical Association approved hospital School of Medical Technology. A minimum of 128 semester hours is required.

Curriculum: Major In Medical Technology
First Year Credit Second Year Credit
BIO 138/118, 139/119 8 BIO 341 4
CHM 138/118, 139/119 8 CHM 241, 238/218, 239/219 12
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265 or 266 or 267 3
HIS 163 3 ENG (200 level or higher)* or SCM 3
MTH 169, 170 6 POL 261, 285 6
32 HIS 164 3
PSY 131 3
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
BIO 347, 435 6 MDT 420 2
CHM 326, 410, 438, 426, 440 12 MDT 421, 422 4
PHY 138/118, 139/119 8 MDT 431, 432 6
Electives, (advanced)** 3-4 MDT 435 3
SOC 168 3 MDT 440, 441 8
Component Area 4 (Fine Arts) 3 MDT 450, 455 10
  35-37   33

* ENG 330 is recommended.

** Advanced electives: The clinical facilities recommend that these electives be taken from CHM 439, BIO 345, or BIO 446.


MDT 410 CLINICAL INSTRUMENTATION. Theory and practice of instrumental analysis are used in clinical analyses. Credit 1.

MDT 415 CLINICAL URINALYSIS. The physiology of urine formation, abnormalities and renal diseases is studied. Microscopic examination techniques are utilized. Credit 1.

MDT 420 ESSENTIALS FOR CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE. Studies of medical terminology, laboratory mathematics and statistics, laboratory safety, phlebotomy technique, professional ethics and the legal responsibility of the laboratory scientist are studied. Emphasis is placed on the professional relationship and communication with other medical personnel. Credit 2.

MDT 421 CLINICAL PARASITOLOGY. Lecture and laboratory instruction on parasites that produce diseases in humans is carried out. Credit 2.

MDT 422 CLINICAL MYCOLOGY. Studies of human pathogenic fungi are made. Laboratory work involves the isolation, culturing and identification of the various fungi. Pathogenic effects of these fungi are studied. Credit 2.

MDT 431 CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY I. HEMATOLOGY AND COAGULATION. A study of the formed elements of blood and the mechanisms of coagulation in normal and diseased states is made. Credit 3.

MDT 432 CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY II. Concepts introduced in Clinical Hematology I are investigated more extensively. Credit 3.

MDT 435 CLINICAL SEROLOGY. A study of the immune response and its relation to diagnosis of disease is made. Immunological techniques are utilized to detect various diseases. Credit 3.

MDT 440 CLINICAL BLOOD BANKING. A study of the theory and principles of immunohematology relating to blood grouping, Rh typing, antibody detection and compatibility testing in blood transfusion is made. Donor selection and principles of component therapy are studied. Credit 4.

MDT 441 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY I. Comparative methodology of diagnostic tests, normal and abnormal human physiology as related to diagnostic procedures of pathological conditions are studied. Credit 4.

MDT 450 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY II. A study of the chemical composition of blood and other body fluids by manual and automated analyses is made. Credit 5.

MDT 455 CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY. Studies of human pathogenic bacteria are made. Staining methods, cultural and differential biochemical characteristics, methods of isolation from body fluids, and the effects of therapeutic agents on organisms are studied. Credit 5.

MDT 495 PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP. Supervised practice in each of the clinical departments. May be repeated for credit. Credit 3.

2000-2002 Undergraduate Catalogue

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